Changes between Version 9 and Version 10 of doc/tec/microphysics
- Timestamp:
- Jun 9, 2016 8:19:37 PM (9 years ago)
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v9 v10 268 268 with ''γ = 0.7'' (see also [#heus2010 Heus et al., 2010]). 269 269 270 == Sedimentation of rainwater 270 == Sedimentation of cloudwater == 271 272 As shown by [#ackerman Ackerman et al. (2009)], the sedimentation of cloud water has to be taken in account for the simulation of stratocumulus clouds. They suggest the cloud water sedimentation flux to be calculated as 273 {{{ 274 #!Latex 275 \begin{align*} 276 & F_{q_\mathrm{c}} = k \left(\frac{4}{3} 277 \pi\rho_\mathrm{l}N_\mathrm{c}\right)^{-2/3} \left(\rho 278 q_\mathrm{c}\right)^{\frac{5}{3}} \exp{\left(5 279 \ln^2{\sigma_\mathrm{g}}\right)}, 280 \end{align*} 281 }}} 282 based on a Stokes drag approximation of the terminal velocities of log-normal distributed cloud droplets. Here, ''k = 1.2 x 10^8^'' m^-1^ s^-1^ is a parameter and ''σ'',,g,, ''= 1.3'' the geometric SD of the cloud droplet size distribution ([#geoffroy Geoffroy et al., 2010]). The tendency of ''q'' results from the sedimentation flux divergences and reads as 283 {{{ 284 #!Latex 285 \begin{align*} 286 & \left.\frac{\partial q}{\partial t} \right|_\text{sed, c}= - 287 \frac{\partial F_{q_\mathrm{c}}}{\partial z} \frac{1}{\rho}. 288 \end{align*} 289 }}} 290 291 == Sedimentation of rainwater == 271 292 272 293 == Turbulence closure == … … 298 319 * [=#seifert2008]'''Seifert A.''' 2008. On the parameterization of evaporation of raindrops as simulated by a one-dimensional rainshaft model. J. Atmos. Sci. 65: 3608–3619. [ doi]. 299 320 300 321 * [=#ackerman]'''Ackerman, AS, vanZanten MC, Stevens B, Savic-Jovcic V, Bretherton CS, Chlond A, Golaz J-C, Jiang H, Khairoutdinov M, Krueger SK, Lewellen DC, Lock A, Moeng C-H, Nakamura K, Petters MD, Snider JR, Weinbrecht S, Zuluaf M.''' 2009. Large-eddy simulations of a drizzling, stratocumulus-topped marine boundary layer, Mon. Weather Rev., 137: 1083–1110. 322 323 * [=#geoffroy]'''Geoffroy O, Brenguier J-L, Burnet F.''' 2010. Parametric representation of the cloud droplet spectra for LES warm bulk microphysical schemes. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 10: 4835–4848. [ doi]. 324