Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of doc/tec/mas

Aug 16, 2018 8:58:01 AM (6 years ago)



  • doc/tec/mas

    v4 v5  
    17171) the PALM building topographhy is '''converted to polygons''' (one per obstacle) containing all convex and cocave corners as vertices.\\
    18182) The polygon data is '''simplified''' using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm ([#hershberger1994 Hershberger and Snoeyink, 1994]). To adjust the rate of simplification, see [#tolerance_dp tolerance_dp]. \\
    19 3) All remaining convex polygon vertices are added to the graph as nodes.\\
    20 4) Connections are established between each pair of nodes that are visible by each other. The associated cost is set to the direct distance.\\
    21 5) The polygon and graph data is output to a Fortran binary file that can be read by PALM.\\
     193) All remaining convex polygon vertices are '''added to the graph''' as nodes.\\
     204) '''Connections''' are established between each pair of nodes that are visible by each other. The associated cost is set to the direct distance.\\
     215) The polygon and graph data is '''output''' to a Fortran binary file that can be read by PALM.\\
    4242== Pathfinding ==
    44 During the simulation each agent receives target coordinates (see [wiki:/doc/app/agtpar#at_x at_x] and [wiki:/doc/app/agtpar#at_y at_y]). Each agent must then find a path from its current position to its target using the visibility graph. This is accomplished using the '''A^*^(A-star)-algorithm''' which is a well-known fast pathfinding algorithm (click [# here] for a thorough explanation).
     44During the simulation each agent receives target coordinates (see [wiki:/doc/app/agtpar#at_x at_x] and [wiki:/doc/app/agtpar#at_y at_y]). Each agent must then find a path from its current position to its target using the visibility graph. This is accomplished using the '''A^*^(A-star)-algorithm''' which is a well-known fast pathfinding algorithm (click [# here] for a thorough explanation). For this, \\
     45* the agent's current position and its target are added to the visibility graph, \\
     46* the shortest path between these two points is calculated, \\
     47* the navigation points are shifted outward from the obstacle corner to a random position along a "gate" (see [wiki:/doc/app/agtpar#corner_gate_start corner_gate_start] and [wiki:/doc/app/agtpar#corner_gate_width corner_gate_width]) to avoid collisions with obstacles or other agents,\\
     48* pathfinding is run again with each successive pair of navigation points along the path to avoid intersection of path sections with obstacles resulting from the outward shift,\\
     49* finally, the resulting path is stored in the agent object as a series of intermittent targets.\\
     50Each agent calculates the direction toward its next intermittet target during each agent time step. It will accelerate toward those coordinates. Once the agent has come close enough ([wiki:/doc/app/agtpar#dist_to_int_target dist_to_int_target]) to them, the next intermittent target is chosen. When the final target is reached, the agent is deleted.\\\\
     51'''Recalculation''' of an agent's path occurs when\\
     52* the agent has deviated too far ([wiki:/doc/app/agtpar#max_dist_from_path max_dist_from_path]) from its current path or
     53* the path counter has reached its maximum and the target is not yet reached. This can occur because for the purpose of conservation of memory each agent can store a maximum of 15 intermittent targets.
     55While pathfinding is run on the visibility graph,
    74 == NAMELIST group name: {{{agents_par}}}==
     85== NAMELIST group name: {{{prepro_par}}}==
    7687||='''Parameter Name'''  =||='''[wiki:/doc/app/fortrantypes FORTRAN Type]'''  =||='''Default Value'''  =||='''Explanation'''  =||
    112123{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; text-align:left;style="width: 75px"
    113 1.41, 0.7, 0.35
     1241.41, \\0.7, \\0.35
    124135== References ==
    125 * [=#hershberger1994] '''Hershberger J, Snoeyink J''' 1994. An O(''n''log''n'') implementation of the Douglas-Peucker algorithm for line simplification. SCG '94 Proceedings of the tenth annual symposium on Computational geometry. 383-384. [ doi]
    126 * [=#detering1985] '''Detering HW, Etling D.''' 1985. Application of the ''E''-''ε'' turbulence model to the atmospheric boundary layer. Bound.-Lay. Meteorol. 33: 113–133.
     136* [=#helbig1995] '''Helbing, D., Molnar, P.''' (1995). Social force model for pedestrian dynamics. Physical review E, 51(5), 4282. [ doi]
     137* [=#hershberger1994] '''Hershberger, J., Snoeyink, J.''' 1994. An O(''n''log''n'') implementation of the Douglas-Peucker algorithm for line simplification. SCG '94 Proceedings of the tenth annual symposium on Computational geometry. 383-384. [ doi]