Changes between Version 17 and Version 18 of doc/tec/lsm

Apr 5, 2016 7:51:15 AM (9 years ago)



  • doc/tec/lsm

    v17 v18  
    33== Overview ==
    4 Since r1551 a full land surface model (LSM) is available in PALM. It consists of a four layer soil model, predicting soil temperature and moisture content, and a solver for the energy balance, predicting the temperature of the skin layer. Moreover, a liquid water reservoir accounts for the presence of liquid water on plants and soil due to precipitation. The implementation is based on the ECMWF-IFS land surface parametrization (H-TESSEL) and its adaptation in the DALES model ([#heus Heus et al. 2010]).
     4Since r1551 a full land surface model (LSM) is available in PALM (see [source:palm/trunk/SOURCE/land_surface_model.f90 land_surface_model.f90]). It consists of a four layer soil model, predicting soil temperature and moisture content, and a solver for the energy balance, predicting the temperature of the skin layer. Moreover, a liquid water reservoir accounts for the presence of liquid water on plants and soil due to precipitation. The implementation is based on the ECMWF-IFS land surface parametrization (H-TESSEL) and its adaptation in the DALES model ([#heus Heus et al. 2010]).
    66Note that the use of the LSM requires using some kind of [wiki:doc/tec/radiation radiation model] to provide radiative fluxes at the surface.
    33 where ''u'',,*,, and ''θ'',,*,, are the friction velocity and the characteristic temperature scale according to Monin-Obukhov similarity scaling (these are calculated in [source:trunk/SOURCE/surface_layer_fluxes.f90 surface_layer_fluxes.f90]).
     33where ''u'',,*,, and ''θ'',,*,, are the friction velocity and the characteristic temperature scale according to Monin-Obukhov similarity scaling (these are calculated in [source:palm/trunk/SOURCE/surface_layer_fluxes.f90 surface_layer_fluxes.f90]).
    3535=== Parameterization of ''G'' ===
    106106== Soil model ==
    107107The soil model consists of prognostic equations for the soil temperature and the volumetric soil moisture which are solved for multiple layers. The soil model only takes into account vertical transport within the soil and no ice phase is considered. By default, the soil model consists of four layers, in which the vertical heat and water transport is modelled using the Fourier law of diffusion and Richards' equation, respectively. Also, root fractions can be assigned to each soil layer to account for the explicit water withdrawal of plants used for transpiration from the respective soil layer.
    109111=== Soil heat transport ===