Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of doc/tec/eclipse

Apr 5, 2017 3:48:21 PM (8 years ago)



  • doc/tec/eclipse

    v10 v11  
    2626    * in the opening window set {{{$HOME/palm/current_version}}} as the workspace
    27     * open: {{{Window --> Open Perspective --> Other --> FORTRAN}}} \\ and quit with {{"OK"}}
     27    * open: {{{Window --> Perspective --> Open Perspective --> Other --> FORTRAN}}} \\ and quit with {{"OK"}}
    2828    * open: {{{File --> Import --> SVN --> project from SVN}}}
    2929    * enter the repository location (URL): \\
    3030      {{{}}}
    3131    * on slider "Advanced" disable "Enable Structure Detection" and proceed with ''"next"''\\
    32       You will be asked for your svn user name and password.
     32      You will be asked for your svn user name and password. If not, enter user name and password under slider "General" (below URL) and proceed with    ''"next"''.
    3333    * activate button ''"Head Revision"'' \\ and quit with ''"finish"''
    3434    * choose ''"Check out as a project configured using the New Project Wizard"'' \\
    3838    * in the opening window type as project name ''trunk'', ('''very important! '''), select your trunk folder location (e.g., {{{/home/<your_username>/palm/current_version/trunk}}}) as Existing code location and choose ''<none>'' as toolchain (which is the default) \\
    3939      quit with ''"Finish"''
    40     * eclipse will then ask you for a ''secure storage password''. If you are running eclipse for the first time, you have to choose a new one and to give some additional information.
     40    * eclipse might then ask you for a ''secure storage password''. If you are running eclipse for the first time, you have to choose a new one and to give some additional information.
     41    * in case you see the starting window of eclipse, close it and continue with the next step
    4142    * in the left window: right mouse click on ''"trunk"'' {{{--> Properties}}}
    4243    * choose: {{{C/C++ Build --> Settings --> Elf Parser}}}
    7071Step by step instruction to configure the eclipse run configuration in a way that '''mrun''' is used as an external tool.
    72     * in the main eclipse window open: ''"Run --> External Tools --> External Tools Configuration..."''
    73     * right mouse click on ''"Program"'' in left window
     73    * in the main eclipse window open: {{{Run --> External Tools --> External Tools Configuration...}}}
     74    * right mouse click on ''"Program"'' in left window, select ''"New"''
    7475    * in the opening window, give the following informations \\
     76      ''"Name:"'' e.g. {{{mrun}}} \\
    7577      ''"Location:"'' {{{${workspace_loc}/trunk/SCRIPTS/mrun}}} \\
    7678      ''"Working Directory:"'' {{{${workspace_loc}}}} \\
    7880      or any other {{{mrun}}}-options that you like to use
    7981    * on slider ''"Build"'' disable ''"Build before launch"''
     82    * on slider ''"Common"'' select ''"External tools"'' under ''"Display in favorites menu"''
    8083    * right mouse click on ''"Program"'' in left window allows to define other alternative run configurations (e.g. with other {{{mrun}}}-options)
    8184    * quit with ''"Close"'' or proceed with
     85    * launch '''mrun''' by selecting {{{Run --> External Tools --> mrun_prompt}}}
    8387Configuring eclipse in a way that '''mrungui''' is used as an external tool.
    85     * right mouse click on ''"Program"'' in left window
     89    * in the main eclipse window open: {{{Run --> External Tools --> External Tools Configuration...}}}
     90    * right mouse click on ''"Program"'' in left window, select ''"New"''
    8691    * in the opening window, give the following informations \\
     92      ''"Name:"'' e.g. {{{mrungui}}} \\
    8793      ''"Location:"'' {{{${workspace_loc}/trunk/SCRIPTS/mrungui}}} \\
    8894      ''"Working Directory:"'' {{{${workspace_loc}}}} \\
    8995    * no ''"Arguments"'' are required in this case
    9096    * on slider ''"Build"'' disable ''"Build before launch"''
     97    * on slider ''"Common"'' select ''"External tools"'' under ''"Display in favorites menu"''
    9198    * quit with ''"Close"''
     99    * launch '''mrungui''' by selecting {{{Run --> External Tools --> mrungui}}}