8 | | For visualization of the netCDF data generated by PALM, several NCAR Command Language (NCL, [http://www.ncl.ucar.edu]) scripts are available that allow a quick overview of the simulation data. For advanced visualizations, we have developed a tool that converts PALM data into the '''''vdf''''' data format of the Open Source software VAPOR ([http://www.vapor.ucar.edu]) ([#clyne2007 Clyne et al., 2007]). Animations using PALM data and VAPOR have been recently published by [#maronga2013c Maronga et al. (2013)], [#knoop2014 Knoop et al. (2014)], and [#kanani2014c Kanani et al. (2014a], [#kanani2014d b]. |
| 8 | For visualization of the netCDF data generated by PALM, several NCAR Command Language (NCL, [http://www.ncl.ucar.edu]) scripts are available that allow a quick overview of the simulation data. For advanced visualizations, we recommend the Open Source software VAPOR ([http://www.vapor.ucar.edu], [#clyne2007 Clyne et al., 2007]). Animations using PALM data and VAPOR have been recently published by [#maronga2013c Maronga et al. (2013)], [#knoop2014 Knoop et al. (2014)], and [#kanani2014c Kanani et al. (2014a], [#kanani2014d b)]. |