Version 698 (modified by schwenkel, 8 years ago) (diff) |
PALM source code change log
Current revision:
Current fixed release: 4.0 (r1540)
The following table documents all changes to the PALM repository since 2017.
Previous changes:
- Changes 2013-2016
- Changes 2009-2012.
- Changes 1998-2008
Please follow the rules for developers when carrying out source code changes!
Entries in the fifth column specify the type of the change: change of existing code (C), new code (N) or bugfix (B). More detailed information about the changes may sometimes be found in the header comment lines of the respectively changed routines.
Date | Author | svn Revision | Last Release | Type | Description |
21/03/17 | SR | 4.0 | C | Adjustment of compute node names for lckyuh. (subjob) | |
21/03/17 | SR | 4.0 | B, C |
Change: | |
17/03/17 | JS | 4.0 | N | Added parameters for simplified particle initialization. An initial particle number concentration for the LCM can be prescribed. Also the number of particles which are created in every grid box can be prescribed with the new parameter "number_particles_per_gridbox". (lpm_init.f90, mod_particle_attributes.f90, package_parin.f90) | |
17/03/17 | AH | 4.0 | C | Recently added checks to ensure that pdims match the grid dimensions are removed as unnecessary in the automatic determination of pdims in init_pegrid.f90. | |
17/03/17 | AH | 4.0 | B | Index limits for perturbations are now set also in case of nested boundary conditions in check_parameters.f90. Setting perturbations at all times near inflow boundary is removed in case of nested boundaries in time_integration.f90. Calls for pmci_ensure_nest_mass_conservation and pres are added after the nest initialization in the main program palm.f90. Checks to ensure that pdims match the grid dimensions are added in the automatic determination of pdims in init_pegrid.f90. | |
13/03/17 | AH | 4.0 | B, N | Bugfixes: 3-D interpolation to create initial conditions for nests is now skipped in case of restart (palm.f90). New: vertical cell-counts for anterpolation are now precomputed and stored in 1-D arrays kfc_w and kfc_s (pmc_interface_mod.f90). | |
13/03/17 | BM | 4.0 | B,N,C | Bugfixes: setting of kcb=0, excluding child corner point anterpolation (pmc_interface_mod.f90) New: nesting can now be used with cloud physics (pmc_interface_mod.f90, time_integration.f90). Changed: default setting of most_method changed to 'newton' to avoid problems over non-homogeneous surfaces. | |
08/03/17 | HK | 4.0 | B | Bugfix: Moved parallel random generator initialization into respective module and removed global array (dirturb_field, init_3d_model, random_generator_parallel_mod) | |
06/03/17 | MS | 4.0 | B | Bugfix, move setting of topography_grid_convention to init_grid, else, in case of restarts generic topography may not set properly if no value is prescribed. (check_parameters, init_grid) | |
01/03/17 | JS | 4.0 | B | Bugfix in radiation_check_data_output: missing case request for rad_lw_in, rad_lw_out, rad_sw_in, and rad_sw_out added and correct units for output variables added. (radiation_model_mod.f90) | |
22/02/17 | MS | 4.0 | B | Bugfix in read_restart_data in case radiation_scheme = 'clear_sky' or 'constant'. (radiation_model_mod.f90) | |
21/02/17 | FH | 4.0 | B | Bugfix: cloud microphysics are now also calculated on ghostpoints (prognostic_equations.f90, microphysics_mod.f90) | |
17/02/17 | LV | 4.0 | N, B |
| |
09/02/17 | KS | 4.0 | C, B |
| |
06/02/17 | TG | 4.0 | C | Changed check for existing files in mrun at the beginning of a run. (mrun) | |
02/02/17 | SR | 4.0 | N | Option -E added to msub commands on HLRN-III machines to allow output of more job information in the job protocol files. (subjob) | |
24/01/17 | SR | 4.0 | B | In case of nested runs the stop condition in case of too small timesteps is communicated to all parent/child processes. (Makefile, timestep) | |
20/01/17 | MS | 4.0 | B | Bugfix, setting of user-defined topography in case of ocean simulations. (init_grid) | |
20/01/17 | SR | 4.0 | C | For ocean simulations, density in SGS-TKE-production is replaced by potential density. (production_e) | |
18/01/17 | FH | 4.0 | C | A particle ID has been introduced. It is stored on the particle variables id1 and id2. (Creating two IDs is necessary due to the large number of potentially simulated particles.) For this purpose, the unused particles variables tailpoints and tail_id have been renamed. Moreover, the unused particle variable dvrp_psize has been renamed to user and can be used by the user. (lpm_data_output_particles, lpm_init, lpm_set_attributes, mod_particle_attributes) Additionally, the calculation of the equilibrium radius of aerosols has been improved (lpm_init). And the code has been reformatted (lpm_droplet_collision). | |
17/01/17 | SR | 4.0 | C | All OpenACC directives and related parts removed from the code (trunk). See the new GPU-porting branch for the OpenACC-GPU version of PALM. (Makefile, advec_ws, boundary_conds, buoyancy, check_parameters, coriolis, cpulog_mod, diffusion_e, diffusion_s, diffusion_u, diffusion_v, diffusion_w, diffusivities, exchange_horiz, fft_xy_mod, flow_statistics, header, init_3d_model, modules, palm, parin, poisfft_mod, pres, production_e, prognostic_equations, surface_layer_fluxes_mod, swap_timelevel, time_integration, timestep, transpose, tridia_solver_mod, wall_fluxes, deleted: cuda_fft_interfaces_mod) | |
16/01/17 | BM | 4.0 | N | Beta version of new tool palm_gf added. palm_gf allows to calculate all possible processor grids. A detailed description will follow. | |
12/01/17 | FK | 4.0 | N |
cpp switch __mpi3 added for MPI-3 standard code. (urban_surface_mod) | |
09/01/17 | FK | 4.0 | C | Preparation for doxygen comments. (modules) | |
05/01/17 | MS | 4.0 | B | Bugfix: Prevent extremely large SGS-velocities by limiting TKE in stochastic terms. (lpm_advec) Copyright update. (all source-code files) | |