Changes between Version 51 and Version 52 of doc/tec/changelog_2018

Jan 3, 2011 3:29:53 PM (14 years ago)



  • doc/tec/changelog_2018

    v51 v52  
    2020{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 75px"
    21 r667
    2323{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
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    30 New advection scheme added ( Wicker and Skamarock 5th order ) (advec_ws.f90)
    31 Please note the further information in [../../app/inipar/#momentum_advec inipar] .
     30'''Most important changes:''' New advection scheme added ( Wicker and Skamarock 5th order ). For further information
     31see [../../app/inipar/#momentum_advec inipar]. (advec_ws)
    3333Changes in coupling: Different number of processors and different horizontal resolution in ocean and atmosphere is now allowed.
    3636Bottom boundary conditions for u and v  changed from mirror to dirichlet boundary conditions.
    38 Detailed information will follow at beginning of January 2011.
     38Inflow turbulence is now defined by fluctuations around spanwise mean.
     40Removed mirror boundary conditions for u and v at the bottom in case of
     41ibc_uv_b == 0. Instead, dirichlet boundary conditions (u=v=0) are set
     42in init_3d_model. (boundary_conds)
     44Exchange of parameters between ocean and atmosphere via PE0
     45Check for illegal combination of ws-scheme and [../../app/inipar/#timestep_scheme timestep_scheme].
     46Check for [../../app/inipar/#topography topography] and ws-scheme.
     47Check for not cyclic boundary conditions in combination with ws-scheme and [../../app/inipar/#loop_optimization loop_optimization] = 'vector'.
     48Check for [../../app/inipar#call_psolver_at_all_substeps call_psolver_at_all_substeps] and [../../app/inipar#momentum_advec momentum_advec] = 'ws-scheme'.
     49Different processor/grid topology in atmosphere and ocean is now allowed! (check_parameters)
     51Dynamic exchange of ghost points with nbgp_local to ensure that no useless
     52ghost points exchanged in case of multigrid. type_yz(0) and type_xz(0) used for
     53normal grid, the remaining types used for the several grid levels.
     54Exchange is done via MPI-Vectors with a dynamic value of ghost points which
     55depend on the advection scheme. Exchange of left and right PEs is 10% faster
     56with MPI-Vectors than without. (exchange_horiz, exchange_horiz_2d)
     58When advection is computed with ws-scheme, turbulent fluxes are already
     59computed in the respective advection routines and buffered in arrays
     60sums_xxxx_ws_l(). This is due to a consistent treatment of statistics
     61with the numerics and to avoid unphysical kinks near the surface. Furthermore the computation of z_i is only done if the heat flux
     62exceeds a minimum value. This affects only simulations of a neutral boundary
     63layer and is due to reasons of computations in the advection scheme.
     66Using nbgp recycling planes for a better resolution of the turbulent flow near
     67the inflow. (inflow_turbulence)
     69Definition of new array bounds nxlg, nxrg, nylg, nyng on each PE.
     70Furthermore the allocation of arrays and steering of loops is done with these
     71parameters. In case of dirichlet boundary condition at the bottom zu(0)=0.0
     72dzu_mg has to be set explicitly for a equally spaced grid near bottom.
     73ddzu_pres added to use a equally spaced grid near bottom. (init_grid)
     75Moved determination of target_id's from init_coupling.
     76Determination of parameters needed for coupling (coupling_topology, ngp_a, ngp_o)
     77with different grid/processor-topology in ocean and atmosphere
     78Adaption of ngp_xy, ngp_y to a dynamic number of ghost points.
     79The maximum_grid_level changed from 1 to 0. 0 is the normal grid, 1 to
     80maximum_grid_level the grids for multigrid, in which 0 and 1 are normal grids.
     81This distinction is due to reasons of data exchange and performance for the
     82normal grid and grids in poismg.
     83The definition of MPI-Vectors adapted to a dynamic number of ghost points.
     84New MPI-Vectors for data exchange between left and right boundaries added.
     85This is due to reasons of performance (10% faster).
     86ATTENTION: nnz_x undefined problem still has to be solved!!!!!!!!
     87TEST OUTPUT (TO BE REMOVED) logging mpi2 ierr values. (init_pegrid)
     89Call ws_init to initialize arrays needed for statistical evaluation and
     90optimization when ws-scheme is used. (init_3d_model)
     92Module advec_ws added. (Makefile)
     94Removed u_nzb_p1_for_vfc and v_nzb_p1_for_vfc
     95For coupling with different resolution in ocean and atmosphere:
     96+nx_a, +nx_o, +ny_a, +ny_o, +ngp_a, +ngp_o, +total_2d_o, +total_2d_a,
     98Buffer arrays for the left sided advective fluxes added in arrays_3d.
     99+flux_s_u, +flux_s_v, +flux_s_w, +diss_s_u, +diss_s_v, +diss_s_w,
     100+flux_s_pt, +diss_s_pt, +flux_s_e, +diss_s_e, +flux_s_q, +diss_s_q,
     101+flux_s_sa, +diss_s_sa.
     102+exchange_mg added in control_parameters to steer the data exchange.
     103Parameters +nbgp, +nxlg, +nxrg, +nysg, +nyng added in indices.
     104flag array +boundary_flags added in indices to steer the degradation of order
     105of the advective fluxes when non-cyclic boundaries are used.
     106MPI-datatypes +type_y, +type_y_int and +type_yz for data_exchange added in
     108+sums_wsus_ws_l, +sums_wsvs_ws_l, +sums_us2_ws_l, +sums_vs2_ws_l,
     109+sums_ws2_ws_l, +sums_wspts_ws_l, +sums_wssas_ws_l, +sums_wsqs_ws_l
     110and +weight_substep added in statistics to steer the statistical evaluation
     111of turbulent fluxes in the advection routines.
     112LOGICALS +ws_scheme_sca and +ws_scheme_mom added to get a better performance
     113in prognostic_equations. (modules)
     115New allocation of tend when ws-scheme and multigrid is used. This is due to
     116reasons of performance of the data_exchange. The same is done with p after
     117poismg is called.
     118nxl-1, nxr+1, nys-1, nyn+1 replaced by nxlg, nxrg, nysg, nyng when no
     119multigrid is used.
     120Call of SOR routine is referenced with ddzu_pres. (pres)
     122Calls of the advection routines with WS5 added.
     123Calls of ws_statistics added to set the statistical arrays to zero after each
     124time step. (prognostic_equations)
     126Additional case for nonequivalent processor and grid topology in ocean and
     127atmosphere added (coupling_topology = 1).
     128Added exchange of u and v from Ocean to Atmosphere. (surface_coupler)
     135{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 50px"
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     141{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 75px"
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     150{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
     151Default of [../../app/inipar/#momentum_advec momentum_advec] and [../../app/inipar/#scalar_advec scalar_advec] changed to 'ws-scheme'. (modules)
     153nxl-1, nxr+1, nys-1, nyn+1 replaced by nxlg, nxrg, nysg, nyng
     154(advec_particles, asselin_filter.f90, average_3d_data.f90, boundary_conds.f90,
     155calc_liquid_water_content.f90, calc_spectra, data_output_2d, data_output_3d,
     156diffusion_e.f90, diffusion_u.f90, diffusion_v.f90, diffusion_w.f90,
     157diffusivities, init_3d_model, init_rankine, init_slope, prandtl_fluxes, pres,
     158production_e, sor, subsidence, sum_up_3d_data, surface_coupler, timestep,
     159user_..., wall_fluxes)
     161Calls of exchange_horiz modified. (advec_particles, data_output_2d,
     162data_output_3d, data_output_mask, diffusivities, init_3d_model,
     163init_pt_anomaly, init_rankine, poismg, sor, time_integration)
     165Allocation of arrays, output of array bounds and skip values adapted to a
     166dynamic number of ghost points with nbgp. (check_open, data_output_3d,
     167global_min_max, read_3d_binary, user_read_restart_data, write_compressed)
     169Changed surface boundary conditions for u and v from mirror bc to dirichelt bc,
     170therefore u(uzb,:,:) and v(nzb,:,:) is now representative for the height z0.
     173determination of target_id's moved to init_pegrid. (init_coupling)
     175Initial volume flow is now calculated by using the variable hom_sum.
     176Therefore the correction of initial volume flow for non-flat topography
     177removed (removed u_nzb_p1_for_vfc and v_nzb_p1_for_vfc)
     178Changed surface boundary conditions for u and v in case of ibc_uv_b == 0 from
     179mirror bc to dirichlet boundary conditions (u=v=0), so that k=nzb is
     180representative for the height z0. (init_3d_model)
     183{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 50px"
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     189{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 75px"
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     198{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
     199Bugfix in checking for [../../app/inipar#conserve_volume_flow_mode conserve_volume_flow_mode]. (check_parameters)
     201Changed length of string run_description_header. (modules)
     203Bugfix: After pressure correction no volume flow correction in case of
     204non-cyclic boundary conditions (has to be done only before
     205pressure correction). (pres)
     207Bug removed in declaration of ddzw(), nz replaced by nzt+1. (sor)