| 13 | |---------------- |
| 14 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 50px" |
| 15 | 07/05/14 |
| 16 | }}} |
| 17 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 50px" |
| 18 | RH |
| 19 | }}} |
| 20 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 75px" |
| 21 | r1399 |
| 22 | }}} |
| 23 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top" |
| 24 | 3.10 |
| 25 | }}} |
| 26 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top" |
| 27 | C/B |
| 28 | }}} |
| 29 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top" |
| 30 | Adjustments in case of nudging. u_init and v_init are set to the current nudging profiles. In Rayleigh-damping terms, u_init and v_init are used instead of ug and vg to homogenize the treatment in case of nudging. (boundary_conds, nudging, prognostic_equations) |
| 31 | \\\\ |
| 32 | Bugfix: for KIND in CMPLX function (fft_xy) |
| 33 | }}} |