| 13 | |---------------- |
| 14 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 50px" |
| 15 | 13/09/12 |
| 16 | }}} |
| 17 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 50px" |
| 18 | SR |
| 19 | }}} |
| 20 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 75px" |
| 21 | r1001 |
| 22 | }}} |
| 23 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top" |
| 24 | 3.8 |
| 25 | }}} |
| 26 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top" |
| 27 | C |
| 28 | }}} |
| 29 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top" |
| 30 | All parts concerning leapfrog timestep scheme and upstream-spline advection scheme removed from the code. Parameters {{{cut_spline_overshoot, long_filter_factor, overshoot_limit_*, ups_limit_*}}} cannot be used any more. \\ |
| 31 | (Makefile, check_parameters, diffusion_e, diffusion_s, diffusion_u, diffusion_v, diffusion_w, header, init_advec, init_pegrid, init_1d_model, init_3d_model, modules, parin, prognostic_equations, read_var_list, read_3d_binary, run_control, swap_timelevel, time_integration, timestep_scheme_steering, timestep, write_var_list, write_3d_binary, |
| 32 | '''removed routines:''' advec_s|u|v|w_ups, asselin_filter, spline_x|y|z) |
| 33 | |
| 34 | Reading of dt_fixed from restart file removed. (read_var_list) |
| 35 | |
| 36 | '''Attention:''' This version does not allow to read restart files created with earlier versions! |
| 37 | }}} |