| 612 | |
| 613 | }}} |
| 614 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 50px" |
| 615 | |
| 616 | }}} |
| 617 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 75px" |
| 618 | |
| 619 | }}} |
| 620 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top" |
| 621 | |
| 622 | }}} |
| 623 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top" |
| 624 | C |
| 625 | }}} |
| 626 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top" |
| 627 | 2d-decomposition is default for Cray-XT machines. (init_pegrid) |
| 628 | |
| 629 | {{{var_ts}}} is replaced by {{{dots_max}}}. (modules, init_3d_model) |
| 630 | |
| 631 | Every cloud droplet has now an own weighting factor and can be deleted due to collisions. Condensation and collision of cloud droplets are adjusted accordingly. (advec_particles) |
| 632 | |
| 633 | Collision efficiency for large cloud droplets has changed according to table of Rogers and Yau. (collision_efficiency) |
| 634 | }}} |
| 635 | |---------------- |
| 636 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 50px" |
| 637 | |
| 638 | }}} |
| 639 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 50px" |
| 640 | |
| 641 | }}} |
| 642 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 75px" |
| 643 | |
| 644 | }}} |
| 645 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top" |
| 646 | |
| 647 | }}} |
| 648 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top" |
| 649 | B |
| 650 | }}} |
| 651 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top" |
| 652 | Bugfix for generating serial jobs. (subjob) |
| 653 | |
| 654 | Bugfix: index problem concerning gradient_level indices removed. (header) |
| 655 | |
| 656 | Dimension of array stat in cascade change to prevent type problems with mpi2 libraries. (poisfft_hybrid) |
| 657 | |
| 658 | Loop was split to make runs reproducible when using ifort compiler. (disturb_field) |
| 659 | |
| 660 | Bugfix: exchange of ghost points for prho included. (time_integration) |
| 661 | |
| 662 | Bugfix in calculation of time-averaged surface heatfluxes. (sum_up_3d_data) |
| 663 | |
| 664 | Bugfix in calculation of precipitation_rate. (calc_precipitation) |
| 665 | |
| 666 | Bugfix: initial data assignments to some dvrp arrays changed due to error messages from gfortran compiler. (modules) |
| 667 | |
| 668 | Bugfix in calculation of cloud droplet velocity. (advec_particles) |
| 669 | |
| 670 | Bugfix in transfer of particles at south/left edge. (advec_particles) |
| 671 | |
| 672 | Bugfix in calculation of collision efficiency. (collision_efficiency) |
| 673 | }}} |
| 674 | |---------------- |
| 675 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 50px" |
| 676 | 23/09/09 |
| 677 | }}} |
| 678 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 50px" |
| 679 | SR |
| 680 | }}} |
| 681 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 75px" |
| 682 | r392 |
| 683 | }}} |
| 684 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top" |
| 685 | 3.7 |
| 686 | }}} |
| 687 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top" |
| 688 | N |
| 689 | }}} |
| 690 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top" |
| 691 | '''Most important changes:''' atmosphere-ocean coupling has been improved and steering of dvr-software is more user-friendly now. Beside that, the release contains a lot of optimizations, changes, and bugfixes which have accumulated over the last months. |
| 692 | |
| 693 | The atmosphere-ocean coupling allows to use independent precursor runs in order to account for different spin-up times. The time when coupling has to be started is given by new inipar parameter {{{coupling_start_time}}}. The precursor ocean run has to be started using new '''mrun''' option "{{{-y}}}" in order to add the appendix "{{{_O}}}" to all output files. (check_for_restart, check_parameters, data_output_2d, data_output_3d, data_output_profiles, data_output_ptseries, data_output_spectra, data_output_tseries, header, init_coupling, modules, mrun, parin, read_var_list, surface_coupler, time_integration, write_var_list) |
| 694 | |
| 695 | Clipping of dvrp output implemented. Default colourtable for particles implemented, particle attributes (color, dvrp_size) can be set with new parameters {{{particle_color}}}, {{{particle_dvrpsize}}}, {{{color_interval}}}, {{{dvrpsize_interval}}}. Slicer attributes (dvrp) are set with new routine {{{set_slicer_attributes_dvrp}}} and are controlled with existing parameter {{{slicer_range_limits}}}. (init_dvrp, data_output_dvrp, modules, set_slicer_attributes_dvrp, user_data_output_dvrp) |
| 696 | |
| 697 | Polygon reduction for topography and ground plate isosurface. Reduction level for buildings can be chosen with parameter {{{cluster_size}}}. (init_dvrp) |
| 698 | |
| 699 | Variables {{{bc_lr}}} and {{{bc_ns}}} in most subroutines replaced by {{{LOGICAL}}} variables {{{bc_lr_cyc}}} and |
| 700 | {{{bc_ns_cyc}}} for speed optimization. This gives a significant speedup of more than 10%. (check_parameters, diffusion_u, diffusion_v, diffusion_w, modules) |
| 701 | |
| 702 | Scripts have been adapted for machine lck (Yonsei Univ.). (mrun, mbuild, subjob) |
| 703 | |
| 704 | Additional timestep criterion in case of simulations with plant canopy. (timestep) |
| 705 | |
| 706 | Check for illegal entries in {{{section_xy}}}|{{{xz}}}|{{{yz}}} that exceed {{{nz+1}}}|{{{ny+1}}}|{{{nx+1}}}. (check_parameters) |
| 707 | |
| 708 | External pressure gradient can be used as driving force. (check_parameters, header, init_3d_model, modules, parin, prognostic_equations, read_var_list, write_var_list) |
| 709 | |
| 710 | New topography case ''\'single_street_canyon\'''. (header, init_grid, modules, parin, read_var_list, user_check_parameters, user_header, user_init_grid, write_var_list) |
| 711 | |
| 712 | Option to predefine a target bulk velocity for {{{conserve_volume_flow}}}. (check_parameters, header, init_3d_model, modules, parin, read_var_list, write_var_list) |
| 713 | |
| 714 | Option for user defined 2D data output in xy cross sections at z=nzb+1. (data_output_2d, user_data_output_2d) |
| 715 | |
| 716 | xy cross section output of surface heatfluxes (sensible and latent). (average_3d_data, check_parameters, data_output_2d, modules, read_3d_binary, sum_up_3d_data, write_3d_binary) |
| 717 | }}} |
| 718 | |---------------- |
| 719 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top;width: 50px" |