Changes between Version 33 and Version 34 of doc/tec/bc

Jun 7, 2017 9:10:56 AM (8 years ago)



  • doc/tec/bc

    v33 v34  
    313313The latter is the only option for vertically oriented surfaces.
    314314Simulations with topography require the application of MOST between each surface and the first computational grid point outside of the topography.
    315 For vertical and horizontal downward-facing surfaces, neutral stratification is assumed for MOST, even if MOST is strictly speaking derived only for upward-facing horizontal surfaces.
     315For vertical and horizontal downward-facing surfaces, neutral stratification is assumed for MOST, even if MOST is strictly speaking derived only for upward-facing horizontal surfaces. \\\\
    316316This is simply attributed to the lack of knowledge in the literature about the best practice in this matter. \\
    317317The topography implementation has been validated by [#letzel2008 Letzel et al. (2008)] and [#kanda2013 Kanda et al. (2013)].
    323323Figure 5: Snapshot of the absolute value of the 3-D rotation vector of the velocity field (red to white colors) for a simulation of the city of Macau, including a newly built-up artificial island (left). Buildings are displayed in blue. A neutrally-stratified flow was simulated with the mean flow direction from the upper-left to the bottom-right, i.e. coming from the open sea and flowing from the artificial island to the city of Macau. The figure shows only a subregion of the simulation domain that spanned a horizontal model domain of about ''6.1x2.0x1 km^3^'', and with an equidistant grid spacing of ''8''m}$. The copyright for the underlying satellite image is held by Cnes / Spot Image, Digitalglobe. For more details, see associated animation [#knoop2014 Knoop et al. (2014)].
    325 The technical realization of the topography will be outlined in Sect. [wiki:doc/tec/topography topography implementation].
     325The technical realization of the topography and treatment of surface-bounded grid cells will be outlined in Sect. [wiki:doc/tec/topography topography implementation].