Changes between Version 92 and Version 93 of doc/install

May 23, 2018 8:59:03 AM (7 years ago)



  • doc/install

    v92 v93  
    2929PALM runs on all modern multicore workstation processors and on many different HPC systems. furthermore, PALM has recently been ported to Graphics Processing Units (GPU) like the NVidia Tesla series and to manycore processor architectures like the Intel Xeon Phi Knights Landing. Please see [[wiki:doc/install/gpu|details]] \\
    31 Regarding batch support PALM is currently configured to be used on a limited number of selected machines. These are Cray XC30/40 systems at computing center HLRN in Hannover (''lccrayh'') and Berlin (''lccrayb''), IBM-Regatta systems at Yonsei University (''ibmy'') and at DKRZ in Hamburg (''ibmh''), an NEC-SX8 system at RIAM, Kyushu University, Fukuoka (''necriam''), as well as on the Linux cluster of IMUK (''lcmuk''), Tokyo Institute of Technology (''lctit''), Kyoto computing center (''lckyoto''), and Cray-XE6 systems at the Bergen Center for Computational Science (''lcxe6'') and at the Finish Meteorological Institute (''lcxt5m''). The strings given in brackets are the system names (host identifiers) under which '''mrun''' identifies the different hosts.\\
    33 You can also use '''mrun'''/PALM on other Linux-Cluster, IBM-AIX, or NEC-SX machines ([wiki:doc/install/advanced#other_machines configuration help]). However, these configurations currently (version 3.7a) allow to run PALM in interactive mode only. Batch mode requires manual adjustments for the respective queuing system and MPI installation in scripts '''mrun''', '''mbuild''', and '''subjob'''.\\\\
     31Regarding batch support PALM can be configured to be used on arbitrary supercomputers (see [wiki:doc/install/advanced advanced installation method]).\\\\
    3533=== [=#requirements] Software Requirements ===
    3735The installation and operation of PALM requires at minimum (for the [#advanced advanced method] on both, the local and the remote host, unless stated otherwise):
    39  1. A Bash-shell must be available under {{{/bin/bash}}}.
     37 1. The Bash-shell.
    4038 2. A NetCDF library with version number not earlier than 3.6.3 (for NetCDF, see under
    4139 3. A FORTRAN 2003 compiler (for gfortran, use version number 6.2.1 or higher).
    4240 4. The Message Passing Interface (MPI), at least on the remote host, if the parallel version of PALM shall be used.
    43  5. On the local host, the revision control system '''subversion''' (see, which is already part of many Linux distributions (e.g. !SuSe). The user needs a combination of username and password to access the PALM repository. For getting a permit please create an account using the [[//trac/register|register form]]. \\
     41 5. On the local host, the revision control system '''Subversion''', which is already part of most Linux distributions. The user needs a combination of username and password to access the PALM repository. For getting a permit please create an account using the [[//trac/register|register form]]. \\
    4442The [wiki:doc/install/advanced advanced method] additionally requires:
    4543 6. A job queuing system on the local or remote host. Currently, PALM can handle !LoadLeveler (IBM-AIX) and NQS/PBS (Linux-Clusters, NEC-SX).
    46  7. ssh/scp-connections to and from the remote host must not be blocked by a firewall.
     44 7. SSH/SCP-connectivity to and from the remote host must not be blocked by a firewall and needs to password-less using an SSH-key.