Changes between Version 21 and Version 22 of doc/install

Sep 15, 2010 9:05:58 AM (14 years ago)



  • doc/install

    v21 v22  
    6868This version may contain new features (they might not be documented well), but it may also contain bugs.
     70=== Package Configuration ===
     72To use the PALM scripts, the {{{PATH}}}-variable has to be extended and the environment variable {{{PALM_BIN}}} has to be set (on local and remote host) in the respective profile of the users default shell (e.g. in {{{.profile}}}, if {{{ksh}}} is used):
     74  export PATH=$HOME/palm/current_version/trunk/SCRIPTS:$PATH
     75  export PALM_BIN=$HOME/palm/current_version/trunk/SCRIPTS
     77You may have to login again in order to activate these settings.\\\\
     78On the local and on the remote host, some small helper/utility programs have to be installed, which are later used by '''mrun''' e.g. for PALM data postprocessing. The installation is done by '''mbuild'''. This script requires a configuration file {{{.mrun.config}}}, which will be also used by '''mrun''' in the following. A copy has to be put into the working directory under the name {{{.mrun.config}}} by
     80  cp trunk/SCRIPTS/.mrun.config.default .mrun.config
     82Beside many other things, this file contains typical installation parameters like compiler name, compiler options, etc. for a set of different (remote) hosts. Please edit this file, uncomment lines like
     84  #%remote_username  <replace by your ... username>   <host identifier>
     86by removing the first hash (#) character and replace the string "{{{<replace by ...>}}}" by your username on the respective host given in the {{{<host identifier>}}}. You only have to uncomment lines for those hosts on which you intend to use PALM.\\\\
     87'''Warning: When editing the configuration file, please NEVER use the TAB key. Otherwise, very confusing errors may occur when mrun is executing.'''\\\\
     88Beside the default configuration file {{{.mrun.config.default}}}, the directory {{{trunk/SCRIPTS}}} contains additional configuration files which are already adjusted for special hosts, e.g. {{{.mrun.config.imuk}}} can be used at Hannover University, etc.. These files have to be edited in the same way as described above.\\\\
     89After modifying the configuration file, the respective executables are generated by executing
     91  mbuild -u -h lcmuk
     92  mbuild -u -h lcsgih
     94The second call also copies the PALM scripts (like '''mrun''' and '''mbuild''') to the remote host.