Changes between Version 18 and Version 19 of doc/install

Sep 15, 2010 8:56:54 AM (14 years ago)



  • doc/install

    v18 v19  
    2626== [=#advanced]Advanced installation method ==
    2727All hosts (local as well as remote) are accessed via the secure shell (ssh). The user must establish passwordless login using the private/public-key mechanism (see e.g. the [ HLRN documentation]). '''To ensure proper function of mrun, passwordless login must be established in both directions, from the local to the remote host as well as from the remote to the local host! '''Test this by carrying out e.g. on the local host:
    29   {{{ssh  <username on remote host>@<remote IP-address>}}}
     29  ssh  <username on remote host>@<remote IP-address>
    3131and on the remote host:
    33   {{{ssh  <username on local host>@<local IP-address>}}}
     33  ssh  <username on local host>@<local IP-address>
    3535In both cases you should not be prompted for a password. '''Before continuing the further installation process, this must be absolutely guaranteed! '''It must also be guaranteed for '''all''' other remote hosts, on which PALM shall run.\\\\
    3636Please note that on many remote hosts, passwordless login must also work '''within the remote host''', i.e. for ssh connections from the remote host to itself. Test this by executing on the remote host:
    38   {{{ssh <username on remote host>@<remote IP-address>}}}
     38  ssh <username on remote host>@<remote IP-address>
    4040You should not be prompted for a password.
    4444The '''first installation step''' requires creating a set of directories on the local and, for the [#advanced advanced method], on the remote host. These are:
    46   {{{~/job_queue
     46  ~/job_queue
    4747  ~/palm
    4848  ~/palm/current_version
    49   ~/palm/current_version/JOBS}}}
     49  ~/palm/current_version/JOBS
    5151The names of these directories can be freely selected (except {{{~/job_queue}}}), however new users should choose them as suggested, since many examples in this documentation as well as all example files are based on these settings. The directory {{{~/palm/current_version}}} on the local host will be called the working directory from now on.\\\\
    5252In the second step a working copy of the recent PALM version, including the source code, scripts, documentation, etc.  must be copied to the working directory (local host!) by executing the following commands. Replace {{{<your username>}}} by the name that you have chosen to access the repository, and {{{<#>}}} by any of the available PALM releases, e.g. "''3.7a''" (new releases will be announced to members of the PALM mailing list).
    54   {{{cd ~/palm/current_version}}}
    55   {{{svn checkout --username <your username> svn://<#> trunk}}}
     54  cd ~/palm/current_version
     55  svn checkout --username <your username> svn://<#> trunk
    5757You will then be prompted for your password. After completion, there should be a subdirectory {{{trunk}}} in your working directory. It contains a number of further subdirectories, which contain e.g. the PALM source code ({{{SOURCE}}}) and the scripts for running PALM ({{{SCRIPTS}}}).\\\\
    5858Alternatively, executing
    60   {{{svn checkout --username <your username> svn://<#> abcde}}}
     60  svn checkout --username <your username> svn://<#> abcde
    6262will place your working copy in a directory named {{{abcde}}} (instead of a directory named {{{trunk}}}). But keep in mind that you will have to adjust several paths given below, if you do not use the default directory {{{trunk}}}.\\\\
    6363Please never touch any file in your working copy of PALM, unless you know what you are doing.\\\\
    6464You can also get a copy of the most recent developer code by executing
    66   {{{svn checkout --username <your username> svn:// trunk}}}
     66  svn checkout --username <your username> svn:// trunk
    6868This version may contain new features (they might not be documented well), but it may also contain bugs.