Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of doc/install/advanced

Sep 5, 2018 10:45:35 AM (6 years ago)



  • doc/install/advanced

    v6 v7  
    1 = Advanced installation method
     1= Full manual installation - step by step instructions
    4 [[NoteBox(warn,This installation method description is outdated. The '''mbuild''' and '''mrun''' scripts have recently been replaced by the '''palmbuild''' and '''palmrun''' scripts. An updated description will follow soon. Thank you for your patience.)]]
    6 === Passwordless login via ssh ===
    8 All hosts (local as well as remote) are accessed via the secure shell (ssh). The user must establish passwordless login using the [[wiki:/doc/install/passwordless|private/public-key mechanism]] (HLRNIII users please see [[wiki:/doc/app/machine/hlrnIII|hints]]). '''To ensure proper function of mrun, passwordless login must be established in both directions, from the local to the remote host as well as from the remote to the local host! '''Test this by carrying out e.g. on the local host:
    9 {{{
    10   ssh  <username on remote host>@<remote IP-address>
    11 }}}
    12 and on the remote host:
    13 {{{
    14   ssh  <username on local host>@<local IP-address>
    15 }}}
    16 In both cases you should not be prompted for a password. '''Before continuing the further installation process, this must be absolutely guaranteed! '''It must also be guaranteed for '''all''' other remote hosts, on which PALM shall run.\\\\
    17 Please note that on many remote hosts, passwordless login must also work '''within the remote host''', i.e. for ssh connections from the remote host to itself. Test this by executing on the remote host:
    18 {{{
    19   ssh <username on remote host>@<remote IP-address>
    20 }}}
    21 You should not be prompted for a password.\\\\
    23 === [=#package_installation]Package installation ===
     4[[NoteBox(warn,This page is currently under construction.)]]
     7'''Before you start, please check if you have fulfilled all [wiki:doc/install installation requirements!]'''
     9=== [=#package_installation]First step: Package installation ===
    2511The '''first installation step''' requires creating a set of directories on the local and, for the advanced method, on the remote host. These are:
    4935This version may contain new features (they might not be documented well), but it may also contain bugs.\\\\
     42=== Passwordless login via ssh ===
     44All hosts (local as well as remote) are accessed via the secure shell (ssh). The user must establish passwordless login using the [[wiki:/doc/install/passwordless|private/public-key mechanism]] (HLRNIII users please see [[wiki:/doc/app/machine/hlrnIII|hints]]). '''To ensure proper function of mrun, passwordless login must be established in both directions, from the local to the remote host as well as from the remote to the local host! '''Test this by carrying out e.g. on the local host:
     46  ssh  <username on remote host>@<remote IP-address>
     48and on the remote host:
     50  ssh  <username on local host>@<local IP-address>
     52In both cases you should not be prompted for a password. '''Before continuing the further installation process, this must be absolutely guaranteed! '''It must also be guaranteed for '''all''' other remote hosts, on which PALM shall run.\\\\
     53Please note that on many remote hosts, passwordless login must also work '''within the remote host''', i.e. for ssh connections from the remote host to itself. Test this by executing on the remote host:
     55  ssh <username on remote host>@<remote IP-address>
     57You should not be prompted for a password.\\\\
    5160=== [=#package_configuration]Package configuration ===