Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of doc/download

Sep 8, 2015 9:08:07 PM (10 years ago)



  • doc/download

    v4 v5  
    11= Download PALM =
    3 If you are interested in using or just testing the code, please create an account using the [[//register|register form]]. This account will give you access to the PALM repository and also allow you to login on this trac-server, e.g. to submit trouble tickets, or to edit the wiki, if you have proper access permissions. As a registered user you will also be informed about new PALM updates by email. With your account you can then download the code via svn as described in [[wiki:doc/install#Packageinstallation Installation]]. If you have further questions please contact [].
     3If you are interested in using or just testing the code, please create an account using the [[//trac/register|register form]]. This account will give you access to the PALM repository and also allow you to login on this trac-server, e.g. to submit trouble tickets, or to edit the wiki, if you have proper access permissions. As a registered user you will also be informed about new PALM updates by email. With your account you can then download the code via svn as described in [[wiki:doc/install#Packageinstallation Installation]]. If you have further questions please contact [].
    55We appreciate any comments on the contents of this server which may help us to improve our documentation. Please contact us by [[|email]] or just send a [//newticket ticket] if you are a registered user.