8 | | The first two indices are the grid point indices in y and x-direction, including the ghost points (see the corresponding description [#parallelization Parallelization]. With parallel model runs {{{nxl}}}, {{{nxr}}}, {{{nys}}} and {{{nyn}}} are the array bounds ({{{nxld, nxrd, nysd, nynd}}} the array bounds of the respective subdomain (don't confuse this with the user-defined subdomain!) on the respective processor. With runs on one processor {{{nys}}} = {{{nxl}}} = ''0'' and {{{nxr}}} = [../../inipar#nx nx] and {{{nyn}}} = [../../inipar#ny ny]. The third index determines the user-defined subdomain. The total model domain carries the index ''0'', the user-defined subdomains have the values ''1'' to ''9''.\\\\ |
| 8 | The first two indices are the grid point indices in y and x-direction, including the ghost points (see the corresponding description [#parallelization Parallelization]. With parallel model runs {{{nxl}}}, {{{nxr}}}, {{{nys}}} and {{{nyn}}} are the array bounds ({{{nxld, nxrd, nysd, nynd}}} the array bounds of the respective subdomain (don't confuse this with the user-defined subdomain!) on the respective processor. With runs on one processor {{{nys}}} = {{{nxl}}} = ''0'' and {{{nxr}}} = [../../inipar#nx nx] and {{{nyn}}} = [../inipar#ny ny]. The third index determines the user-defined subdomain. The total model domain carries the index ''0'', the user-defined subdomains have the values ''1'' to ''9''.\\\\ |