Changes between Version 16 and Version 17 of doc/app/userint/subd

Apr 6, 2016 2:23:25 PM (9 years ago)



  • doc/app/userint/subd

    v16 v17  
    4 By default, the values of the timeseries quantities and the horizontally averaged vertical profiles always refer to the total model domain. Independently, up to 9 time series or profiles for different user-defined domains can be computed and plotted additionally. Steering in principle is done via the initialization parameter [../../inipar#statistic_regions statistic_regions].\\\\
     4By default, the values of the time series quantities and the horizontally averaged vertical profiles always refer to the total model domain. Independently, up to 9 time series or profiles for different user-defined domains can be computed and plotted additionally. Steering in principle is done via the initialization parameter [../../inipar#statistic_regions statistic_regions].\\\\
    55The exact definition of these domains has to be made by the user within the user-defined routine [../int#user_init user_init]. The domains are defined with a mask array named {{{rmask}}}, which has to be given the value ''1.0'' for all horizontal grid points belonging to the user-defined domain and the value ''0.0'', where grid points do not belong to the user-defined domain. In the model {{{rmask}}} is declared as:
    37 The module {{{statistics}}} must be used, because it contains {{{rmask}}} and the modules {{{grid_variables}}} and {{{indices}}} are necessary in this example, because grid spacing and indices are used. All array elements of {{{rmask}}} ({{{rmask(:,:,:)}}} are preset by the model with ''1.0''. In no case this assignment must be changed for the total domain ({{{rmask(:,:,0)}}})! Computations and output for the user-defined domains only take place if the user sets [../../inipar#statistic_regions statistic_regions] ≥ ''1''. Beyond that, names for the user-defined domains can be assigned via the initialization parameter [../../userpar#region region]. Output of the names of the selected user-defined domains happens in the local files [../../iofiles#HEADER HEADER] and [../../iofiles#RUN_CONTROL RUN_CONTROL] within the user-defined routine [../int#user_header user_header].
     37The module {{{statistics}}} must be used because it contains {{{rmask}}}. Likewise the modules {{{grid_variables}}} and {{{indices}}} are necessary in this example because grid spacing and indices are used. All array elements of {{{rmask}}} ({{{rmask(:,:,:)}}} are preset by the model with ''1.0''. In no case this assignment must be changed for the total domain ({{{rmask(:,:,0)}}})! Computations and output for the user-defined domains only take place if the user sets [../../inipar#statistic_regions statistic_regions] ≥ ''1''. Beyond that, names for the user-defined domains can be assigned via the initialization parameter [../../userpar#region region]. Output of the names of the selected user-defined domains happens in the local files [../../iofiles#HEADER HEADER] and [../../iofiles#RUN_CONTROL RUN_CONTROL] within the user-defined routine [../int#user_header user_header].