Version 16 (modified by suehring, 14 years ago) (diff) |
Interfaces for user-defined code
Description: The following table describes the available interfaces for user-defined code in the model, the names and possible arguments of the subroutines involved as well as actions which can be accomplished in these subroutines. The respective name of a source code files is the subroutine name followed by ".f90". Exception: the file containing the module user has the name user_module.f90.
Call location | Subroutine name and argument(s) | Possible actions |
--- | MODULE user | All user-defined variables which are used outside the respective local scopes of the user-defined subroutines have to be declared here. |
End of parin.f90 | user_parin | Declaration of user-defined parameters in the NAMELIST group &userpar. These parameters can be read from the local file PARIN and be used for steering the user-defined code (see chapter 4.0?). The user-defined parameter region is already pre-defined in &userpar and must not be changed. Additional NAMELIST groups may be declared if desired. The CPU time needed for executing user_parin is included in the local file CPU_MEASURES within the category "initialisation". |
End of header.f90 | user_header( io ) | Output of the values of the user-defined parameters to the local files HEADER and RUN_CONTROL. This output should be made anyway in order to subsequently check the parameter values used for the respective run. The number of the output unit is passed as an argument and must be used in each WRITE statement (e.g.: "WRITE ( io,…)"). By default, this subroutine only creates output if a user-defined NAMELIST is found in file PARIN (in this case the variable user_defined_namelist_found is set .TRUE. in user_parin). The names of any user-defined subdomains are displayed by default (see statistic_regions). |
End of init_3d_model.f90 | user_init |
Here, user-defined initialization actions which should be accomplished before the start of the 3D-model can be implemented (e.g. inhomogenous change of the surface temperature, the roughness length, or similar). At this point, all default parameter initializations of the model (chapter 4.1?) have already been carried out at all. |