Changes between Version 52 and Version 53 of doc/app/userint/int

Apr 6, 2016 2:12:18 PM (9 years ago)



  • doc/app/userint/int

    v52 v53  
    2525Declaration of user-defined parameters in the {{{NAMELIST}}} group {{{&userpar}}}. These parameters can be read from the local file [../../iofiles#PARIN PARIN] and be used for steering the user-defined code (see [[../../par|Model steering by parameters]]). The user-defined parameter region is already pre-defined in {{{&userpar}}} and must not be changed. Additional {{{NAMELIST}}} groups may be declared if desired.
    26 The CPU time needed for executing {{{user_parin}}} is included in the local file [../../iofiles#CPU_MEASURES CPU_MEASURES] within the category "initialisation".
     26The CPU time needed for executing {{{user_parin}}} is included in the local file [../../iofiles#CPU_MEASURES CPU_MEASURES] within the category "initialization".
    7171User-defined initilisation of the plant canopy model.\\
    72 Here, the user can define the two three-dimensional arrays {{{lad_s}}} and {{{cdc}}} that stand for the leaf area density and the canopy drag coefficient. By this, the user can configure a plant canopy. This requires definition of at least one new [../../inipar#canopy_mode canopy_mode] in the {{{SELECT CASE( TRIM(canopy_mode) )}}} command in {{{user_init_plant_canopy}}}. Note that the [../../inipar#canopy_mode canopy_mode]'' 'block' ''is not allowed here since it is the standard case used in the calling routine {{{init_3d_model}}}.
     72Here, the user can define the two three-dimensional arrays {{{lad_s}}} and {{{cdc}}} that stand for the leaf area density and the canopy drag coefficient. By this, the user can configure a plant canopy. This requires defining at least one new [../../inipar#canopy_mode canopy_mode] in the {{{SELECT CASE( TRIM(canopy_mode) )}}} command in {{{user_init_plant_canopy}}}. Note that the [../../inipar#canopy_mode canopy_mode]'' 'block' ''is not allowed here since it is the standard case used in the calling routine {{{init_3d_model}}}.
    135 With this routine, color tables can be adjusted which should be used for output with the dvrp software. Individuell color tables for particles and cross-sections are possible. For this purpose the two arrays {{{interval_values_dvrp}}} and {{{interval_h_dvrp}}} (declared in the module {{{dvrp_variables}}}) have to be preset with appropriate values. The number of color table entries must be assigned to the variable of {{{dvrp_colourtable_entries}}}. The value of the subroutine argument mode defines, whether the color table is valid for particles or for cross-sections (i.e. mode can have the values ''particles'' or ''slicer'').
     135With this routine, color tables can be adjusted which should be used for output with the dvrp software. Individual color tables for particles and cross-sections are possible. For this purpose, the two arrays {{{interval_values_dvrp}}} and {{{interval_h_dvrp}}} (declared in the module {{{dvrp_variables}}}) have to be preset with appropriate values. The number of color table entries must be assigned to the variable of {{{dvrp_colourtable_entries}}}. The value of the subroutine argument mode defines, whether the color table is valid for particles or for cross-sections (i.e. mode can have the values ''particles'' or ''slicer'').
    136136This routine only becomes active if dvrp-graphics is switched on (see package parameter [../../dvrpar#dt_dvrp dt_dvrp]).
    147 In this routine user actions can be implemented which are to be executed either at each time step or at certain times (defined by the user). Since in each case the routine is called at the beginning and at the end of a time step as well as after each prognostic equation it must be defined at which place (and/or at which places) the respective actions are supposed to be executed. For this purpose an appropriate {{{CASE}}} structure is already inserted in this routine. The location of the calling routine is passed to this routine via the argument {{{location}}}. For example, if called at the beginning of a time step, {{{location}}} ='' 'before_timestep' ''and if called at the end, {{{location}}} ='' 'after_timestep'.''\\
     147In this routine user actions can be implemented which are to be executed either at each time step or at certain times (defined by the user). Since in each case the routine is called at the beginning and at the end of a time step as well as after each prognostic equation it must be defined at which place (and/or at which places) the respective actions are supposed to be executed. For this purpose, an appropriate {{{CASE}}} structure is already inserted in this routine. The location of the calling routine is passed to this routine via the argument {{{location}}}. For example, if called at the beginning of a time step, {{{location}}} ='' 'before_timestep' ''and if called at the end, {{{location}}} ='' 'after_timestep'.''\\
    148148Calculation of user-defined output quantities should be carried out at {{{location}}} ='' 'after_integration'.''\\\\
    149149'''Important:''' if the cache-optimized version of prognostic_equation.f90 is used (this is the default for IBM-Regatta-Systems), the loop variables {{{i}}} and {{{j}}} must be passed as arguments for all calls within {{{prognostic_equations}}}.\\\\
    217 Set the grid on which user-defined output quantities (see [../../userpar#data_output_user data_output_user]) are defined. Input parameter {{{variable}}} contains the string identifier of the respective variable. Allowed values are'' 'x' ''and'' 'xu' ''for {{{grid_x}}},'' 'y' ''and'' 'yv' ''for {{{grid_y}}}, and'' 'zu' ''and'' 'zw' ''for {{{grid_z}}}. The output parameter {{{found}}} has to be set ''.TRUE.'' by the user, otherwise an error message will appear in the job protocol for the respective output quantity.\\
     217Set the grid on which user-defined output quantities (see [../../userpar#data_output_user data_output_user]) are defined. Input parameter {{{variable}}} contains the string identifier of the respective variable. Allowed values are'' 'x' ''and'' 'xu' ''for {{{grid_x}}},'' 'y' ''and'' 'yv' ''for {{{grid_y}}}, and'' 'zu' ''and'' 'zw' ''for {{{grid_z}}}. The output parameter {{{found}}} has to be set ''.TRUE.'' by the user, otherwise, an error message will appear in the job protocol for the respective output quantity.\\
    244 Resorts user-defined quantities (to be output as cross-section data; see [../../userpar#data_output_user data_output_user]) with indices {{{(k,j,i)}}} to a temporary array {{{local_pf}}} with indices {{{(i,j,k)}}} and sets the grid on which they are defined. Depending on the value of input parameter {{{av}}} resorting is done for instantaneous ({{{av}}}=''0'') or time averaged data ({{{av}}}=''1''). Input parameter {{{variable}}} contains the string identifier of the respective variable. Allowed values for grid are'' 'zu' ''and'' 'zw'.'' The output parameter {{{found}}} has to be set ''.TRUE.'' by the user, otherwise an error message will appear in the job protocol for the respective output quantity.\\
     244Resorts user-defined quantities (to be output as cross-section data; see [../../userpar#data_output_user data_output_user]) with indices {{{(k,j,i)}}} to a temporary array {{{local_pf}}} with indices {{{(i,j,k)}}} and sets the grid on which they are defined. Depending on the value of input parameter {{{av}}} resorting is done for instantaneous ({{{av}}}=''0'') or time averaged data ({{{av}}}=''1''). Input parameter {{{variable}}} contains the string identifier of the respective variable. Allowed values for grid are'' 'zu' ''and'' 'zw'.'' The output parameter {{{found}}} has to be set ''.TRUE.'' by the user, otherwise, an error message will appear in the job protocol for the respective output quantity.\\
    245245See [[../output|User-defined output quantities]] about creating user-defined output quantities.
    255 Resorts user-defined quantities (to be output as volume data; see [../../userpar#data_output_user data_output_user]) with indices {{{(k,j,i)}}} to a temporary array {{{local_pf}}} with indices {{{(i,j,k)}}} and sets the grid on which they are defined. Depending on the value of input parameter {{{av}}} resorting is done for instantaneous ({{{av}}}=''0'') or time averaged data ({{{av}}}=''1''). Input parameter {{{variable}}} contains the string identifier of the respective variable. The input parameter {{{nz_do}}} defines the upper limit of vertical grid index {{{k}}} of the output array (see [../../d3par#)nz_do3d nz_do3d]. The output parameter found has to be set ''.TRUE.'' by the user, otherwise an error message will appear in the job protocol for the respective output quantity.\\
     255Resorts user-defined quantities (to be output as volume data; see [../../userpar#data_output_user data_output_user]) with indices {{{(k,j,i)}}} to a temporary array {{{local_pf}}} with indices {{{(i,j,k)}}} and sets the grid on which they are defined. Depending on the value of input parameter {{{av}}} resorting is done for instantaneous ({{{av}}}=''0'') or time averaged data ({{{av}}}=''1''). Input parameter {{{variable}}} contains the string identifier of the respective variable. The input parameter {{{nz_do}}} defines the upper limit of vertical grid index {{{k}}} of the output array (see [../../d3par#)nz_do3d nz_do3d]. The output parameter found has to be set ''.TRUE.'' by the user, otherwise, an error message will appear in the job protocol for the respective output quantity.\\
    256256See chapter [[../output|User-defined output quantities]] about creating user-defined output quantities.