Changes between Version 14 and Version 15 of doc/app/stg_par

Jan 18, 2021 8:26:10 AM (4 years ago)



  • doc/app/stg_par

    v14 v15  
    4 Since revision r2259, a synthetic turbulence generation method is available in PALM. The turbulence generator follows the method proposed by [wiki:/doc/tec/bc#xie2008 Xie and Castro (2008)] with a modification by [wiki:/doc/tec/bc#kim2013 Kim et al. (2013)]. Please see the [/wiki/doc/tec/bc#SyntheticTurbulenceGenerator documentation] for a detailed description of the synthetic turbulence generator.
     4Since revision r2259, a synthetic turbulence generation method is available in PALM. The synthetic turbulence generator (STG) follows the method proposed by [wiki:/doc/tec/bc#xie2008 Xie and Castro (2008)] with a modification by [wiki:/doc/tec/bc#kim2013 Kim et al. (2013)]. Please see the [/wiki/doc/tec/bc#SyntheticTurbulenceGenerator documentation] for a detailed description of the STG.
    6 The synthetic turbulence generator requires information about the Reynolds stresses as well as turbulent length and time scales. These can be either provided in an ASCII file (please see [/wiki/doc/tec/bc#SyntheticTurbulenceGenerator documentation]), or if not available as e.g. in case of mesoscale offline nesting these information will be parametrized (please see [/wiki/doc/tec/bc#SyntheticTurbulenceGenerator documentation]). For a detailed description of the parametrized synthetic turbulence we refer to ''< replace with doi when available > ''.
     6The STG requires information about the Reynolds stresses as well as turbulent length and time scales. These can be either provided in an ASCII file (please see [/wiki/doc/tec/bc#SyntheticTurbulenceGenerator documentation]), or if not available as e.g. in case of mesoscale offline nesting these information will be parametrized (please see [/wiki/doc/tec/bc#SyntheticTurbulenceGenerator documentation]). For a detailed description of the parametrized synthetic turbulence we refer to ''< replace with doi when available > ''.
    8 All parts of the synthetic turbulence generator are modularized in module [/browser/palm/trunk/SOURCE/synthetic_turbulence_generator_mod.f90 synthetic_turbulence_generator_mod]. In this context, a new Fortran NAMELIST {{{stg_par}}} was added, containing all related steering parameters.
     8All parts of the STG are modularized in module [/browser/palm/trunk/SOURCE/synthetic_turbulence_generator_mod.f90 synthetic_turbulence_generator_mod]. In this context, a new Fortran NAMELIST {{{stg_par}}} was added, containing all related steering parameters.
     10The STG requires [../initialization_parameters#initializing_actions initializing_actions] = 'inifor', 'set_constant_profiles', or 'read_restart_data'. In case of [../initialization_parameters#initializing_actions initializing_actions] = 'set_constant_profiles' or 'read_restart_data', non-cyclic boundary conditions along x-direction ([../initialization_parameters#bc_lr bc_lr]='dirichlet/radiation') and cyclic boundary conditions along y-direction ([../initialization_parameters#bc_ns bc_ns]='cyclic') have to be used.
    5658Time interval to call the synthetic turbulence generator. With this parameter it is possible to skip calling the turbulence generator, in order to save computational resources. In the default the turbulence generator is called every timestep.
    58 |----------------
    59 {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    60 [=#use_syn_turb_gen '''use_syn_turb_gen''']
    61 }}}
    62 {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    63 L
    64 }}}
    65 {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    66 .F.
    67 }}}
    68 {{{#!td
    69 Flag to switch on the synthetic turbulence generator. Setting of {{{use_syn_turb_gen = .T.}}} requires [../initialization_parameters#initializing_actions initializing_actions] = 'inifor', 'set_constant_profiles', or 'read_restart_data'. In case of [../initialization_parameters#initializing_actions initializing_actions] = 'set_constant_profiles' or 'read_restart_data', non-cyclic boundary conditions along x-direction ([../initialization_parameters#bc_lr bc_lr]='dirichlet/radiation') and cyclic boundary conditions along y-direction ([../initialization_parameters#bc_ns bc_ns]='cyclic') have to be used.
    71 Using turbulence recycling ([../initialization_parameters#turbulent_inflow turbulent_inflow]=.T.) together with the synthetic turbulence generator is not allowed.
    72 }}}