Changes between Version 11 and Version 12 of doc/app/stg_par

Aug 24, 2020 4:31:42 PM (5 years ago)



  • doc/app/stg_par

    v11 v12  
    44Since revision r2259, a synthetic turbulence generation method is available in PALM. The turbulence generator follows the method proposed by [wiki:/doc/tec/bc#xie2008 Xie and Castro (2008)] with a modification by [wiki:/doc/tec/bc#kim2013 Kim et al. (2013)]. Please see the [/wiki/doc/tec/bc#SyntheticTurbulenceGenerator documentation] for a detailed description of the synthetic turbulence generator.
     6The synthetic turbulence generator requires information about the Reynolds stresses as well as turbulent length and time scales. These can be either provided in an ASCII file (please see [/wiki/doc/tec/bc#SyntheticTurbulenceGenerator documentation]), or if not available as e.g. in case of mesoscale offline nesting these information will be parametrized (please see [/wiki/doc/tec/bc#SyntheticTurbulenceGenerator documentation]). For a detailed description of the parametrized synthetic turbulence we refer to ''< replace with doi when available > ''.
    68All parts of the synthetic turbulence generator are modularized in module [/browser/palm/trunk/SOURCE/synthetic_turbulence_generator_mod.f90 synthetic_turbulence_generator_mod]. In this context, a new Fortran NAMELIST {{{stg_par}}} was added, containing all related steering parameters.
    6466Flag to control the computation of velocity seeds that are the basis of the imposed disturbances.
    65 If set to .FALSE., the computation of the seeds at the boundary is
     67If .FALSE., the computation of the seeds at the boundary is
    6668distributed to all processes along the respective 1D communicator. Subsequently, seeds are gathered on the respective boundary process.
    67 This option is especially useful for large length scales where the computational effort can become quite huge (it scales with the turbulent length scales), so that gain by parallelization exceeds the costs by the subsequent communication. This is usually the case when turbulent length scales are read in from ASCII file.
     69This option is especially useful for large length scales where the computational effort can become quite huge (it scales with the turbulent length scales), so that gain by parallelization exceeds the costs by the subsequent communication.
    69 If set to .TRUE., velocity seeds are computed only locally and no communication is necessary. This performs better when the turbulent length scales are small (like in the parametrized mode where the length scales are limited to 8 x grid spacing) and thus the loops are smaller.
     71If .TRUE., velocity seeds are computed only locally and no communication is necessary. This performs better when the turbulent length scales are small and thus the loops are smaller.