Version 12 (modified by fricke, 14 years ago) (diff)


Standard table:

Parameter Name Type Default Value Explanation



value of averaging_interval

Averaging interval for spectra output to local file DATA_1D_SP_NETCDF and/or PLOTSP_X_DATA / PLOTSP_Y_DATA (in s).

If this parameter is given a non-zero value, temporally averaged spectra data are output. By default, spectra data are not subject to temporal averaging. The interval length is limited by the parameter dt_dosp. In any case averaging_interval_sp <= dt_dosp must hold.

If an interval is defined, then by default the average is calculated from the data values of all timesteps lying within this interval. The number of time levels entering into the average can be reduced with the parameter dt_averaging_input_pr.

If an averaging interval can not be completed at the end of a run, it will be finished at the beginning of the next restart run. Thus for restart runs, averaging intervals do not necessarily begin at the beginning of the run.



no level

Vertical level for which horizontal spectra are to be calculated and output (gridpoints).

Spectra can be calculated for up to 100 levels.


C*10 (10)

10 * ' '

Quantities for which horizontal spectra are to be calculated and output.

Allowed standard values are: data_output_sp = 'u', 'v', 'w', 'pt', 'q' . The user may define further quantities !!!(see chapter 3.5.4 part 5)!!! .

Spectra are calculated using the FFT-method defined by fft_method.

By default spectra data are output to the local file DATA_1D_SP_NETCDF. The file's format is NetCDF. Further details about processing NetCDF data are given in !!!chapter 4.5.1!!! .

The temporal interval of the output times of profiles is assigned via the parameter dt_dosp.

The vertical levels for which spectra are to be computed and output must be given by parameter comp_spectra_level.

Beside data_output_sp, values must be given for each of the parameters, comp_spectra_level, and spectra_direction, otherwise no output will be created!

Calculation of spectra requires cyclic boundary conditions along the respective directions (see bc_lr and bc_ns). The spectra are ordered with respect to their output times. Spectra can also be temporally averaged (see averaging_interval_sp). Each data point of a spectrum is output in a single line (1st column: wavenumber, 2nd column: spectral coefficient). If spectra are to be calculated and output for more than one height (see comp_spectra_level), the spectral coefficients for the further heighs can be found in the subsequent columns. The order of the data in the file follows the order used in the assignment for data_output_sp (data_output_sp = 'u', 'v',… means that the file starts with the spectra of the u-component, followed by the v-component spectra, etc.).
Additional to the files PLOTSP_X_DATA and PLOTSP_Y_DATA which contain the data, PALM creates NAMELIST parameter files (local name PLOTSP_X_PAR and PLOTSP_Y_PAR) which can be used as parameter input file for the plot software profil. Spectra can be directly plotted with profil using the data and the corresponding parameter file. The plot layout is steered via the parameter input file. The vertical levels for which spectra are to be plotted must be given by plot_spectra_level. Otherwise, no spectra will appear on the plot, although data are available on file. All parameter values can be changed by editing the parameter input file.