Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of doc/app/salsaeg

Jul 1, 2019 8:03:01 AM (5 years ago)



  • doc/app/salsaeg

    v1 v2  
    77== Example Setups ==
    9 [...]
     9An example set-up for including SALSA to PALM can be found [ here]. This test set-up called "urban_environment_salsa" is for a very small urban area and can thus be run on a personal computer.
     11The simulation domain is the same as in the test case [ urban_environment]. This set-up has been extended by enabling SALSA and introducing aerosol and gas emissions above streets and background air pollutant concentrations. In SALSA, the aerosol size distribution is represented with 8 size bins (see [wiki:/doc/app/salsapar#nbin nbin]) and the aerosols can contain organic compounds, nitrates and ammonia (see [wiki:/doc/app/salsapar#listspec listspec]). The following aerosol dynamic porcesses are included: deposition (on both vegetation and other surfaces), condensation and coagulation. The background concentrations for both aerosols and gaseous compounds are defined within the parameter file (see [wiki:/doc/app/salsapar#dpg dpg], [wiki:/doc/app/salsapar#sigmag sigmag], [wiki:/doc/app/salsapar#n_lognorm n_lognorm] and [wiki:/doc/app/salsapar#mass_fracs_a mass_fracs_a] for aerosols and [wiki:/doc/app/salsapar#H2SO4_init H2SO4_init], [wiki:/doc/app/salsapar#HNO3_init HNO3_init], [wiki:/doc/app/salsapar#NH3_init NH3_init], [wiki:/doc/app/salsapar#OCNV_init OCNV_init] and [wiki:/doc/app/salsapar#OCSV_init OCSV_init] for gases). The concentrations are set constant at the left and right lateral boundaries (see [wiki:/doc/app/salsapar#decycle_method decycle_method], [wiki:/doc/app/salsapar#decycle_lr decycle_lr] and [wiki:/doc/app/salsapar#decycle_ns decycle_ns]) to avoid accumulation of air pollutants with the cyclic boundary conditions for the flow. The aerosol emissions are read from file {{{urban_environment_salsa}}}.
     13The following input files are included:
     14  * {{{urban_environment_p3d}}}:  Parameter file
     15  * {{{urban_environment_static}}}:  Static driver including information on topography, vegetation and land use
     16  * {{{urban_environment_salsa}}}:  Input file for aerosol emissions (with the level of detail 2)
     17  * {{{urban_environment_chemistry}}}:  Input file for gaseous emissions (with the level of detail 2)
     19Furthermore, a dynamic driver {{{urban_environment_dynamic}}} for initialising the meteorological conditions and background concentrations, as well as setting a time-dependent meteorological forcing, is included. To enable this dynamic input, the following changes are needed in the parameter file:
     22  * In initialization_parameters: nz = 22 --> nz = 60 and initializing_actions = 'set_constant_profiles' --> initializing_actions = 'inifor set_constant_profiles'
     23  * In salsa_parameters: init_aerosol_type = 0 --> init_aerosol_type = 1 and init_gases_type = 0 --> init_gases_type = 1