Changes between Version 12 and Version 13 of doc/app/runs

Oct 15, 2018 2:40:21 PM (6 years ago)



  • doc/app/runs

    v12 v13  
    22= Restart runs / Handling of large (restart) files =
    4 Batch systems generally limit the CPU time that is allowed to be requested by a job, e.g. to a maximum of 12 hours or 24 hours. If a simulation needs more time to run, it has to be split into several parts/jobs. The first job is called the ''initial'' job, the others ''restart'' jobs. Together they form a so-called ''job chain''. Restart jobs require as input the values of all flow variables after the final time step of the previous job. They need to be output by the previous job in a so-called ''restart-file''.
     4Batch systems generally limit the CPU time that is allowed to be requested by a job, e.g. to a maximum of 12 hours or 24 hours. If a simulation needs more time to run, it has to be split into several parts/jobs. The first job is called the ''initial'' job, the others ''restart'' jobs. Together they form a so-called ''job chain''. Restart jobs require as input the values of all flow variables as calculated in the final time step of the previous job. They need to be output by the previous job in a so-called ''restart-file'' which is a required input file for the restart job.
    6 {{{palmrun}}} allows you to automatically generate job chains and to handle the restart files. Of course, automatic generation does not work if you run PALM in interactive mode. The following chapter describes
     6{{{palmrun}}} allows you to automatically generate job chains and to handle the restart files. Of course, automatic generation does not work if you run PALM in interactive mode. The following chapter describes 
    88A job started by '''[../../app/jobcontrol mrun]''' will - according to its requested computing time, its memory size requirement and the number of necessary processing elements (on parallel computers) - be queued by the queuing-system of the local or remote computer into a suitable job class which fulfills these requirements. Each job class permits only jobs with certain maximum requirements (e.g. the allowed CPU time or the maximum number of cores that can be used by the job). The job classes are important for the scheduling process of the computer. Jobs with small requirements usually come to execution very fast, jobs with higher requirements must wait longer (sometimes several days).\\\\