91 | | ||-O0 || || |
| 91 | ||-O0 ||Reduce compilation time and make debugging produce the expected results. || |
| 92 | ||-Wall ||Enables commonly used warning options pertaining to usage that we recommend avoiding and that we believe are easy to avoid. This currently includes -Waliasing, -Wampersand, -Wsurprising, -Wintrinsics-std, -Wno-tabs, -Wintrinsic-shadow and -Wline-truncation. || |
| 93 | ||-Wextra ||Enables some warning options for usages of language features which may be problematic. This currently includes -Wcompare-reals and -Wunused-parameter. || |
| 94 | ||-pedantic ||Issue warnings for uses of extensions to Fortran 95. || |
| 95 | ||-fcheck=all ||Enable all run-time test of -fcheck. || |
| 96 | ||-fbacktrace ||Specify that, when a runtime error is encountered or a deadly signal is emitted (segmentation fault, illegal instruction, bus error or floating-point exception), the Fortran runtime library should output a backtrace of the error. || |