| 405 | [=#radiation_only '''radiation_only'''] |
| 406 | }}} |
| 407 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top" |
| 408 | L |
| 409 | }}} |
| 410 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top" |
| 411 | .F. |
| 412 | }}} |
| 413 | {{{#!td |
| 414 | The setting of this parameter to .TRUE. forces to activate the radiation model without urban/land surfaces being defined. In such radiation-only simulations the radiative transfer equation is only solved for the atmosphere and no energy balance is solved at the surface. The surface parameter albedo and emissivity are either loaded by the namelist ([#albedo_type albedo_type], [#albedo albedo], [#emissivity emissivity] or read by a static driver file. \\\\ |
| 415 | '''Warning:''' {{{radiation_only = .T.}}} is not allowed in combination with the urban- and/or land-surface model (USM and/or LSM) or {{{radiation_interactions_on = .T.}}}. Furhtermore, it is only implemented for {{{radiation_scheme = 'rrtmg'}}}. |
| 416 | }}} |
| 417 | |---------------- |
| 418 | {{{#!td style="vertical-align:top" |