Changes between Version 43 and Version 44 of doc/app/radiation_parameters

Aug 27, 2019 3:52:49 PM (5 years ago)



  • doc/app/radiation_parameters

    v43 v44  
    382382'' 'external' ''
    384 External radiative input of short- and longwave downwelling radiation is used, which can be taken from observations or mesoscale models. Further information concerning external radiation input via the dynamic input file can be found [../iofiles/pids/dynamic#rad_lw_in here]. Note, in case of a nested run each child model will read the radiation input either from its own dynamic input file, or, in case a dynamic input file is not available for each of the child models, it will be read from the dynamic input file for the root model.     
     384External radiative input of short- and longwave downwelling radiation is used, which can be taken from observations or mesoscale models. Further information concerning external radiation input via the dynamic input file can be found [../iofiles/pids/dynamic#rad_lw_in here]. Note, in case of a nested run each child model will read the radiation input either from its own dynamic input file, or, in case a dynamic input file is not available for each of the child models, it will be read from the dynamic input file for the root model.
     386External radiation input can be provided as level-of-detail = 1 (radiation depends only on time and is horizontally homogeneous) or as level-of-detail = 2 (radiation depends on time, y, x and can be horizontally heterogeneous). Please note, at the moment level-of-detail = 2 is not possible in combination with buildings or complex orography where surface reflections occur.     
    386388'' 'rrtmg' ''