243 | 243 | The [http://rtweb.aer.com/rrtm_frame.html RRTMG model] is used to calculate the radiative heating rates for each model column. This scheme requires setting [#day_init day_init], [#lambda lambda], [wiki:doc/app/inipar#phi phi], [#time_utc_init time_utc_init]. The following parameters can be set optionally: [#albedo_type albedo_type] (and/or [#albedo_lw_dif albedo_lw_dif], [#albedo_lw_dir albedo_lw_dir], [#albedo_sw_dif albedo_sw_dif], [#albedo_sw_dir albedo_sw_dir]). [#constant_albedo constant_albedo] can be used to fix the albedo during the simulation. It is also possible to use the switches [#lw_radiation lw_radiation] and [#sw_radiation sw_radiation]. |