4 | | Since r1551 an interface for use of radiation models is available in PALM. Currently, PALM offers one built-in radiation model for clear-sky conditions, calculating the net radiation at the surface. |
5 | | |
6 | | All parts of the radiation code (oder interface to radiation code) are modularized in module [/browser/palm/trunk/SOURCE/radiation_model.f90 radiation_model_mod]. In this context, a new Fortran NAMELIST {{{radiation_par}}} was added, containing all radiation-related steering parameters. The radiation module is automatically activated when a {{{radiation_par}}} is set in the parameter file ({{{_p3d}}}). |
7 | | |
8 | | When using the RRTMG radiation model, it is required to [wiki:doc/tec/radiation#Installation compile the radiation code] first as library. Moreover, the use of netCDF is mandarorily required. |
| 4 | For revision r1551 onwards, an interface for use of radiation models is available in PALM. Currently, PALM offers one built-in radiation model for clear-sky conditions, calculating the net radiation at the surface. |
| 5 | |
| 6 | All parts of the radiation code (and the interface of the radiation code) are modularized in module [/browser/palm/trunk/SOURCE/radiation_model.f90 radiation_model_mod]. In this context, a new Fortran NAMELIST {{{radiation_par}}} was added, containing all radiation-related steering parameters. The radiation module is automatically activated if a {{{radiation_par}}} is set in the parameter file ({{{_p3d}}}). |
| 7 | |
| 8 | When using the RRTMG radiation model, it is required to [wiki:doc/tec/radiation#Installation compile the radiation code] first as a library. Moreover, the use of netCDF is mandatory. |
236 | | A simple clear sky model is used to calculate the radiation fluxes at the surface (shortwave incoming, shortwave outgoing, longwave incoming, longwave outgoing) and consequently the net radiation at the surface. This scheme requires setting of [#albedo albedo], [#day_init day_init], [#lambda lambda], [wiki:doc/app/inipar#phi phi], and [#time_utc_init time_utc_init]. |
| 238 | A simple clear sky model is used to calculate the radiation fluxes at the surface (shortwave incoming, shortwave outgoing, longwave incoming, longwave outgoing) and consequently the net radiation at the surface. This scheme requires setting [#albedo albedo], [#day_init day_init], [#lambda lambda], [wiki:doc/app/inipar#phi phi], and [#time_utc_init time_utc_init]. |
241 | | The [http://rtweb.aer.com/rrtm_frame.html RRTMG model] is used to calculate the radiative heating rates for each model column. This scheme requires setting of [#day_init day_init], [#lambda lambda], [wiki:doc/app/inipar#phi phi], [#time_utc_init time_utc_init]. The folling parameters can be set optionally: [#albedo_type albedo_type] (and/or [#albedo_lw_dif albedo_lw_dif], [#albedo_lw_dir albedo_lw_dir], [#albedo_sw_dif albedo_sw_dif], [#albedo_sw_dir albedo_sw_dir]). [#constant_albedo constant_albedo] can be used to fix the albedo during the simualation. It is also possible to use the switches [#lw_radiation lw_radiation] and [#sw_radiation sw_radiation]. |
| 243 | The [http://rtweb.aer.com/rrtm_frame.html RRTMG model] is used to calculate the radiative heating rates for each model column. This scheme requires setting [#day_init day_init], [#lambda lambda], [wiki:doc/app/inipar#phi phi], [#time_utc_init time_utc_init]. The following parameters can be set optionally: [#albedo_type albedo_type] (and/or [#albedo_lw_dif albedo_lw_dif], [#albedo_lw_dir albedo_lw_dir], [#albedo_sw_dif albedo_sw_dif], [#albedo_sw_dir albedo_sw_dir]). [#constant_albedo constant_albedo] can be used to fix the albedo during the simulation. It is also possible to use the switches [#lw_radiation lw_radiation] and [#sw_radiation sw_radiation]. |