Changes between Version 92 and Version 93 of doc/app/particle_parameters

Sep 14, 2010 7:11:34 AM (14 years ago)



  • doc/app/particle_parameters

    v92 v93  
    1 '''Particle Parameters'''
     1==Particle Parameters==
    33||='''Parameter Name'''  =||='''FORTRAN Type'''  =||='''Default Value'''  =||='''Explanation'''  =||
    265265If the temporal displacement between the oldest point of a particle tail and the current position of the particle becomes larger than the value given by '''maximum_tailpoint_age''', this oldest point (which defines the end of the tail) is removed. If this time is so small that the number of points defining the particle tail do not exceed the value given by [#maximum_number_of_tailpoints maximum_number_of_tailpoints], then the length the particle tails is a measure for the distance the particle travelled along during the time interval defined via '''maximum_tailpoint_age''', i.e. for the particle velocity. Fast particles will have long tails, slow particles shorter ones (note: this will not neccessarily hold if [#minimum_tailpoint_distance minimum_tailpoint_distance] = ''0.0'').
     268{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
     269[=#minimum_tailpoint_distance '''minimum_tailpoint\\_distance''']
     271{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
     274{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
     278Minimum distance allowed between two adjacent points of a particle tail (in m). \\
     279In case of '''minimum_tailpoint_distance''' > ''0.0'' the particle tail is extended by a new point only if the distance between its current position and the most recent tail point exceed the distance given via '''minimum_tailpoint_distance'''.\\
     280If the length of the particle tails shall be proportional to the respective particle velocity, the parameter [#maximum_tailpoint_age maximum_tailpoint_age] must also be set appropriately.\\\\
     281'''Note:''' A suitable choice of minimum_tailpoint_distance > 0.0 is recommended, because then the tail coordinates of slowly moving particles require less memory and can also be drawn faster. The upper limit of minimum_tailpoint_distance should be chosen in a way that the visualized particle tails still appear as smooth lines. Example: with a model domain of 1000 m and a monitor resolution of 1280 * 1024 pixels it should be sufficient to set '''minimum_tailpoint_distance''' = ''5.0 (m).''
     284{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
     285[=#number_of_particle_groups '''number_of_particle\\_groups''']
     287{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
     290{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
     294Number of particle groups to be used.\\
     295Each particle group can be assigned its own source region (see [#pdx pdx], [#psl psl], [#psr psr], etc.), particle diameter ([#radius radius]) and particle density ratio ([#density_ratio density_ratio]).\\
     296If less values are given for [#pdx pdx], [#psl psl], etc. than the number of particle groups, then the last value is used for the remaining values (or the default value, if the user did not set the parameter).\\
     297The maximum allowed number of particle groups is limited to ''10.''