Changes between Version 34 and Version 35 of doc/app/particle_parameters

Sep 13, 2010 12:47:50 PM (14 years ago)



  • doc/app/particle_parameters

    v34 v35  
    1919The domain of the particle source as well as the distance of  released particles within this source are determined via package parameters [#pst pst], [#psl psl], [#psr psr], [#pss pss], [#psn psn], [#psb psb], [#pdx pdx], [#pdy pdy] and [#pdz pdz]. By default, one particle is released at all points defined by these parameters. The package parameter [#particles_per_point particles_per_point] can be used to start more than one particle per point.\\\\
    2020Up to 10 different groups of particles can be released at the same time (see [#number_of_particle_groups number_of_particle_groups]) where each group may have a different source. All particles belonging to one group have the same density ratio and the same radius. All other particle features (e.g. location of the source) are identical for all groups of particles.\\\\
    21 ''Subgrid scale velocities can (optionally) be included for calculating the particle advection, using the method of Weil et al. (2004, JAS, 61, 2877-2887). This method is switched on by the package parameter [#use_sgs_for_particles use_sgs_for_particles]. This also forces the Euler/upstream method to be used for time advancement of the TKE (see initialization parameter [../inipar#use_upstream_for_tke use_upstream_for_tke]). The minimum timestep during the sub-timesteps is controlled by package parameter [#dt_min_part dt_min_part].'' \\\\
     21Subgrid scale velocities can (optionally) be included for calculating the particle advection, using the method of Weil et al. (2004, JAS, 61, 2877-2887). This method is switched on by the package parameter [#use_sgs_for_particles use_sgs_for_particles]. This also forces the Euler/upstream method to be used for time advancement of the TKE (see initialization parameter [../inipar#use_upstream_for_tke use_upstream_for_tke]). The minimum timestep during the sub-timesteps is controlled by package parameter [#dt_min_part dt_min_part]. \\\\
    2222By default, particles are weightless and transported passively with the resolved scale flow. Particles can be given a mass and thus an inertia by assigning the package parameter density_ratio a non-zero value (it defines the ratio of the density of the fluid and the density of the particles). In these cases their radius must also be defined, which affects their flow resistance. \\\\
    2323Boundary conditions for the particle transport can be defined with package parameters [#bc_par_t bc_par_t], [#bc_par_lr bc_par_lr], [#bc_par_ns bc_par_ns] and [#bc_par_b bc_par_b].\\\\
    24 Timeseries of particle quantities in NetCDF format can be output to local file [../iofile#DATA_1D_PTS_NETCDF DATA_1D_PTS_NETCDF] by using package parameter [#dt_dopts dt_dopts].\\\\
     24Timeseries of particle quantities in netCDF format can be output to local file [../iofile#DATA_1D_PTS_NETCDF DATA_1D_PTS_NETCDF] by using package parameter [#dt_dopts dt_dopts].\\\\
    2525For analysis, additional output of particle information in equidistant temporal intervals can be carried out using [#dt_write_particle_data dt_write_particle_data] (file [../iofile#PARTICLE_DATA PARTICLE_DATA]).\\\\
    2626Statistical informations (e.g. the total number of particles used, the number of particles exchanged between the PEs, etc.) are output to the local file [../iofile#PARTICLE_INFOS PARTICLE_INFOS], if switched on by the parameter [#write_particle_statistics write_particle_statistics]. \\\\