747 | | Switch on/off splitting algorithm for cloud droplets (if [../inipar#cloud_droplets cloud_droplets]=.T.). If '''splitting''' is set .TRUE. every time step the splitting algorithm is executed. The algorithm split particles which fulfill certain criterion's into several super droplets with a reduced number of represented particles of every super droplet. The splitting algorithm can be steered by the following parameters: [#max_number_particles_per_gridbox max_number_particles_per_gridbox], [#radius_split radius_split], [#splitting_factor splitting_factor], [#splitting_factor_max splitting_factor_max], [#splitting_function splitting_function], [#splitting_mode splitting_mode] and [#weight_factor_split weight_factor_split]. This mechanism allows an improved representation of the right tail of the drop size distribution with a feasible amount of computational costs.\\ |
| 747 | Switch on/off the splitting algorithm for cloud droplets (if [../inipar#cloud_droplets cloud_droplets]=.T.). If '''splitting''' is set .TRUE. every time step the splitting algorithm is executed. The algorithm splits particles which fulfill certain criterion's into several super droplets with a reduced number of represented particles of every super droplet (i.e. a reduced weighting factor). The splitting algorithm can be steered by the following parameters: [#max_number_particles_per_gridbox max_number_particles_per_gridbox], [#radius_split radius_split], [#splitting_factor splitting_factor], [#splitting_factor_max splitting_factor_max], [#splitting_function splitting_function], [#splitting_mode splitting_mode] and [#weight_factor_split weight_factor_split]. The mechanism allows an improved representation of the right tail of the drop size distribution with a feasible amount of computational costs.\\ |