Changes between Version 183 and Version 184 of doc/app/particle_parameters

Sep 19, 2019 6:36:32 AM (5 years ago)



  • doc/app/particle_parameters

    v183 v184  
    747 Switch on/off splitting algorithm for cloud droplets (if [../inipar#cloud_droplets cloud_droplets]=.T.). If '''splitting''' is set .TRUE. every time step the splitting algorithm is executed. The algorithm split particles which fulfill certain criterion's into several super droplets with a reduced number of represented particles of every super droplet. The splitting algorithm can be steered by the following parameters: [#max_number_particles_per_gridbox max_number_particles_per_gridbox], [#radius_split radius_split], [#splitting_factor splitting_factor], [#splitting_factor_max splitting_factor_max], [#splitting_function splitting_function], [#splitting_mode splitting_mode] and [#weight_factor_split weight_factor_split]. This mechanism allows an improved representation of the right tail of the drop size distribution with a feasible amount of computational costs.\\
     747Switch on/off the splitting algorithm for cloud droplets (if [../inipar#cloud_droplets cloud_droplets]=.T.). If '''splitting''' is set .TRUE. every time step the splitting algorithm is executed. The algorithm splits particles which fulfill certain criterion's into several super droplets with a reduced number of represented particles of every super droplet (i.e. a reduced weighting factor). The splitting algorithm can be steered by the following parameters: [#max_number_particles_per_gridbox max_number_particles_per_gridbox], [#radius_split radius_split], [#splitting_factor splitting_factor], [#splitting_factor_max splitting_factor_max], [#splitting_function splitting_function], [#splitting_mode splitting_mode] and [#weight_factor_split weight_factor_split]. The mechanism allows an improved representation of the right tail of the drop size distribution with a feasible amount of computational costs.\\
    750 The calculation of all physical process (e.g. advection, diffusional growth and collision) depends on the number of simulated particles.  Therefore, '''splitting''' = .T. may significantly increase CPU time of simulations. Furthermore, the creation of new particles will lead to an increased storage capacity and you may will run out of memory. Due to this reason, the limits of the splitting algortihm should be chosen very carefully.
     750The calculation of all physical processes (e.g. advection, diffusional growth and collision) depend on the number of simulated particles.  Therefore, '''splitting''' = .T. may significantly increase the CPU time of simulations. Furthermore, the generation of new particles will increase the storage demand, so your simulation may run out of memory. For these reasons, the limits of the splitting algorithm should be choosen very carefully.