Changes between Version 173 and Version 174 of doc/app/particle_parameters

Nov 20, 2018 4:27:02 PM (6 years ago)



  • doc/app/particle_parameters

    v173 v174  
    281281For analysis, additional output of particle information in equidistant temporal intervals can be carried out using [#dt_write_particle_data dt_write_particle_data] (file [../iofiles#PARTICLE_DATA PARTICLE_DATA]).\\\\
    282282Statistical information (e.g. the total number of particles used, the number of particles exchanged between the PEs, etc.) are output to the local file [../iofiles#PARTICLE_INFOS PARTICLE_INFOS], if switched on by the parameter [#write_particle_statistics write_particle_statistics]. \\\\
    283 If a job chain is to be carried out, particle information for the restart run (e.g. current location of all particles at the end of the run) is output to the local file [../iofiles#PARTICLE_RESTART_DATA_OUT PARTICLE_RESTART_DATA_OUT], which must be saved at the end of the run and given as an input file to the restart run under local file name [../iofiles#PARTICLE_RESTART_DATA_IN PARTICLE_RESTART_DATA_IN] using respective file connection statements in the '''mrun''' configuration file. \\\\
     283If a job chain is to be carried out, particle information for the restart run (e.g. current location of all particles at the end of the run) is output to the local file [../iofiles#PARTICLE_RESTART_DATA_OUT PARTICLE_RESTART_DATA_OUT], which must be saved at the end of the run and given as an input file to the restart run under local file name [../iofiles#PARTICLE_RESTART_DATA_IN PARTICLE_RESTART_DATA_IN] using respective file connection statements in the [wiki:doc/app/palm_iofiles file connection configuration file]. \\\\
    284284'''So far, the particle transport realized in PALM does only work duly in case of a constant vertical grid spacing! '''