Changes between Version 154 and Version 155 of doc/app/particle_parameters

Jun 12, 2017 9:28:29 AM (8 years ago)



  • doc/app/particle_parameters

    v154 v155  
    754 Switch on/off splitting algorithm for cloud droplets (if cloud_droplets is set .TRUE.). If [#splitting splitting] is set .TRUE. every time step the splitting algorithm is executed. The algorithm split particles which fulfill certain criterion's into several super droplets with a reduced number of represented particles of every super droplet. The splitting algorithm can be steered by several parameters (a critical radius, a critical weighting factor,..). This mechanism allows an improved representation of the right tail of the drop size distribution with a feasible amount of computational costs. The limits of particle creation should be chosen carefully! The idea of this algorithm is based on Unterstrasser and Soelch, 2014. 
     754Switch on/off splitting algorithm for cloud droplets ( if [../inipar#cloud_droplets cloud_droplets]=.T.). If [#splitting splitting] is set .TRUE. every time step the splitting algorithm is executed. The algorithm split particles which fulfill certain criterion's into several super droplets with a reduced number of represented particles of every super droplet. The splitting algorithm can be steered by several parameters (a critical radius, a critical weighting factor,..). This mechanism allows an improved representation of the right tail of the drop size distribution with a feasible amount of computational costs. The limits of particle creation should be chosen carefully! The idea of this algorithm is based on Unterstrasser and Soelch, 2014. 
    820820'' 'const' ''
    821       In splitting mode 'const' a critical radius  (radius_split) a critical weighting factor (weight_factor_split) and a splitting factor (splitting_factor) must  be prescribed. Super droplets which have a larger radius and larger weighting factor are split into 'splitting_factor' super droplets. Therefore, the weighting factor of  the super droplet and all created clones is reduced by the factor of 'splitting_factor'.
     821      In splitting mode 'const' a critical radius  [#radius_split radius_split] a critical weighting factor [#weight_factor_split weight_factor_split] and a [#splitting_factor splitting_factor] must  be prescribed. Super droplets which have a larger radius and larger weighting factor are split into [#splitting_factor splitting_factor] super droplets. Therefore, the weighting factor of the super droplet and all created clones is reduced by the factor of [#splitting_factor splitting_factor].
    823823'' 'cl_av' ''
    824       In splitting mode 'cl_av'  a critical radius (radius_split) and a splitting function must be prescribed. The critical weighting factor is calculated while approximating a 'gamma', 'log' or 'exp'- drop size distribution. In this mode a drop size distribution (discretized in 100 bins in a range from 1.0E-6 m to 1 mm) is calculated as an average over all cloudy grid boxes. Super droplets which have a larger radius and larger weighting factor are split into 'splitting_factor' super droplets. In this case the splitting factor is calculated of weighting factor of the super droplet and the approximated number concentration for droplet of such a size. Due to the splitting, the weighting factor of the super droplet and all created clones is reduced by the factor of 'splitting_facor'.
     824      In splitting mode 'cl_av'  a critical radius [#radius_split radius_split] and a splitting function must be prescribed. The critical weighting factor is calculated while approximating a 'gamma', 'log' or 'exp'- drop size distribution. In this mode a drop size distribution (discretized in 100 bins in a range from 1.0 µm to 1 mm) is calculated as an average over all cloudy grid boxes. Super droplets which have a larger radius and larger weighting factor are split into 'splitting_factor' super droplets. In this case the [#splitting_factor splitting_factor] is calculated of weighting factor of the super droplet and the approximated number concentration for droplet of such a size. Due to the splitting, the weighting factor of the super droplet and all created clones is reduced by the factor of 'splitting_facor'.
    826826'' 'gb_av' ''