Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of doc/app/palmrungui

Nov 21, 2018 10:12:49 AM (6 years ago)



  • doc/app/palmrungui

    v1 v2  
    11= Graphical user interface for PALM: '''palmrungui''' =
    3 In r2380, new improved scripts for compiling and running PALM were introduced ([wiki:doc/app/palmrun palmbuild/palmrun]).\\
    4 Since r2413 the corresponding graphical user interface '''palmrungui''' is available (formerly '''mrungui''').\\
     3For creating and submitting a palmrun command, PALM comes with its own graphical user interface (GUI) called **palmrungui**. Starting from r2316, the GUI is based on Python with [ pyQt] bindings.\\
    6 '''palmrungui''' works very similar to the former '''mrungui''', hence, until the documentation is adapted, please have a look at the [wiki:doc/app/mrungui mrungui documentation]. 
     5== Running the GUI
     6Simply type {{{palmrungui}}} into your shell. If you fulfill the software requirements, a dialog window (see snapshot) pops up immediately. The dialog should be to a great extent self-explanatory. A short documentation is given below. After configuring all your settings, press the "palmrun" button at the bottom and palmrun will be executed (a second window will pop up).
     8[[Image(palmrungui.png, 50%, center, margin-right=2, margin-bottom=5, margin-top=2, border=0, nolink)]]
     10== Documentation #guidoc
     11=== Menu
     12The Start menu at the top of the dialog offers the following actions:
     14==== Start
     15===== Open from File
     16You can open a jobline, which you have previously saved to file (see below). All settings will be loaded into the GUI.
     18===== Load last job
     19Loading the last jobline which has been submitted.
     21===== Save to File
     22You can save the current settings in the GUI to a textfile ({{{*.sav}}}). This is useful if you want to save default settings for a set of runs or want to repeat a run.
     24===== Save as Default
     25The current GUI settings can be saved as default. The default is loaded as the GUI is started. The settings will be saved under
     30===== Show History
     31This function has not yet been implemented.
     32All submitted jobs via the GUI will be stored in the history file. You can find the file under
     38==== Tools
     39===== Watchdog
     40In case the watchdog {{{palm_wd}}} is configured you can start it right away from mrungui as independent widget. It will thus remain alive even if you exit mrungui.
     41===== Job manager
     42The simple job manager {{{palm_jm}}} can be started from the mrungui as independent widget. It will thus remain alive even if you exit mrungui.
     45=== Job name group
     46Here you must select a job name. You can either write into the edit line or pick a job using the "Select" button. It will automatically show all available jobs in
     48~/palm/current_version/JOBS/ .
     50Simply pick a job from the list and press "Choose". ''' Do not enter the job folders! ''' .
     52The recent job list shows the last submitted jobs with time stamp. You can select from the list and all used settings will be loaded automatically.
     54After selecting a job, the GUI will inform you whether user defined code was found, or not.
     56=== Run control list group
     57In the run control list you can choose what output files you want to create (this is the {{{-r}}} option in palmrun).
     59=== Execution group
     60Basic settings are carried out in the execution group, such as host name, number of processors, etc.
     62=== Main control group
     63Use the "Start palmrun" button to submit the palmrun command with the current settings. You can all the time check your settings in the preview line at the bottom of the dialog. After pressing "Start palmrun" an xterm windows will open and execute palmrun. Additional user input might be required. This part is basically equal to the palmrun usage without GUI. After the job has been submitted, you need to close the xterm window by hitting "!Enter/Return" and you will return to the dialog. For interactive jobx, the xterm window will remain open until the job has finished.
     65Use the "Clear" button in order to delete all current settings.
     67=== Advanced settings tab
     68The tab "Advanced" allows to use more advanced palmrun settings if needed. Only two shall be discussed at this point:
     70* Software package list: see [[wiki:doc/app/packages|software packages]].
     71* User parameters: This line can be used to set parameters, which have not been implemented into the GUI so far.
     72* If you want to use parameters that are currently not provided by mrungui, simply edit the palmrun line preview at the bottom of the gui.