Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of doc/app/palmbuild

Nov 21, 2018 10:31:35 AM (6 years ago)



  • doc/app/palmbuild

    v8 v9  
    6767   palmbuild -c default
    69 **However**, best practice would be to create  individual [wiki:doc/app/palm_config .palm.config files] for the different configurations, because this prevents from having to re-compile over and over again whenever modifying and working with just one single .palm.config file. Of course, {{{palmbuild}}} has to be executed for each configuration.
     69**However**, best practice would be to create  individual [wiki:doc/app/palm_config .palm.config files] for the different configurations, because this prevents from having to re-compile over and over again whenever modifying and working with just one single .palm.config file. Of course, {{{palmbuild}}} has to be executed for each configuration.\\
     71== Options for manual {{{palmbuild}}} execution ==
     72||='''option''' =||='''default value''' =||='''meaning''' =||
     74||-c   ||default  ||Configuration identifier. Tells {{{palmbuild}}} which configuration file is to be used.  ||
     75||-v   ||---      ||Run in silent mode. Switches off most messages and prompts  ||
    7278== Automatic execution of {{{palmbuild}}} ==
    7379{{{palmbuild}}} is automatically called by the PALM run script [wiki:doc/app/palmrun palmrun], if:
    74 1. {{{palmrun}}} has been invoked manually by the user in a terminal, and, if
    75 2. {{{palmrun}}} does not find a MAKE_DEPOSITORY folder for the configuration given by option {{{-c}}}, it calls {{{palmbuild}}} with the respective configuration identifier (e.g. {{{palmbuild -c default}}} in order to pre-compile PALM, or, if
    76 3. {{{palmrun}}} is notified by option {{{-s}}} ) about modified SOURCE code in the working copy ({{{.../trunk/SOURCE}}}), or if the user has added USER_CODE to the respective JOBS directory given by {{{palmrun}}}-option {{{-r}}}.\\
     801. {{{palmrun}}} has been invoked manually by the user in a terminal, and, if\\\\
     812. {{{palmrun}}} does not find a MAKE_DEPOSITORY folder for the configuration given by option {{{-c}}}, it calls {{{palmbuild}}} with the respective configuration identifier (e.g. {{{palmbuild -c default}}} in order to pre-compile PALM, or, if\\\\
     823. {{{palmrun}}} is notified by option {{{-s}}} ) about modified SOURCE code in the working copy ({{{.../trunk/SOURCE}}}), or if the user has added USER_CODE to the respective JOBS directory given by {{{palmrun}}}-option {{{-r}}}.\\\\
    7783   * {{{palmrun}}} puts the respective source files (plus all other files from the MAKE_DEPOSITORY) into a newly created folder named 
    7884     {{{SOURCES_FOR_RUN_<ci>_<ri>}}} in the directory given by configuration variable [wiki:doc/app/palm_config#ba_di base_directory]\\ 
    79      ({{{<ci>}}}: configuration identifier, {{{<ri>}}}: run identifier, specified by {{{palmrun}}} options {{{-c}}} and {{{-r}}}). 
     85     ({{{<ci>}}}: configuration identifier, {{{<ri>}}}: run identifier, specified by {{{palmrun}}} options {{{-c}}} and {{{-r}}}).\\\\
    8086   * {{{palmbuild}}} copies this folder to directory {{{$fast_io_catalog/SOURCES_FOR_RUN_<ci>_<ri>}}} and compiles the user-interface
    8187     and/or modified sources. Variable [wiki:doc/app/palm_config#fa_io fast_io_catalog] is defined in the configuration file.\\
    9197{{{palmbuild}}} is never called by {{{palmrun}}} within a batch job, or by automatic calls of {{{palmrun}}} to generate restart jobs. Reasons are to avoid compilation within batch jobs (which may be very inefficient if the job runs on many cores), and because automatic restart runs should and can re-use the binaries that have been created by the initial run and are saved in the respective SOURCES_FOR_RUN folder.
    93 \\
    94 == Options for manual {{{palmbuild}}} execution ==
    95 ||='''option''' =||='''default value''' =||='''meaning''' =||
    96 |-----------
    97 ||-c   ||default  ||Configuration identifier. Tells {{{palmbuild}}} which configuration file is to be used.  ||
    98 ||-v   ||---      ||Run in silent mode. Switches off most messages and prompts  ||