Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of doc/app/palmbuild

Nov 20, 2018 2:21:15 PM (6 years ago)



  • doc/app/palmbuild

    v5 v6  
    2424|                                                                        |
    2525| called on:   bora (IP:                                  |
    26 | config file: /home/raasch/palm/current_version/.palm.config.abcde      |
     26| config file: /home/raasch/palm/current_version/.palm.config.default    |
    2727| makefile:    /home/raasch/palm/current_version/trunk/SOURCE/Makefile   |
    2828| source path: /home/raasch/palm/current_version/trunk/SOURCE            |
    2929|                                                                        |
    30 | config. identifier: abcde                                              |
     30| config. identifier: default                                            |
    3131| local depository:   /home/raasch/palm/current_version/MAKE_DEPOSITORY_ |
    32 |                     abcde                                              |
     32|                     default                                            |
    3333| username:           raasch                                             |
    3434| address:                                       |
    6565**However**, best practice would be to create [link-to individual .palm.config files] for the different configurations, because this prevents from having to re-compile over and over again whenever modifying and working with just one single .palm.config file. Of course, {{{palmbuild}}} has to be executed for each configuration.
     68== Options for {{{palmbuild}}} ==
     69||='''option''' =||='''default value''' =||='''meaning''' =||
     71||-c   ||default  ||configuration identifier. Tells {{{palmbuild}}} which configuration file is to be used.  ||
     72||-v   ||---      ||to run in silent mode. Switches off most messages and queries  ||
    6975== Automatic calls of {{{palmbuild}}} from {{{palmrun}}} ==
    7076{{{palmbuild}}} is automatically called by {{{palmrun}}}, but only if {{{palmrun}}} has been manually called (i.e. if the {{{palmrun}}} call has been entered by the user in a terminal). There are two different calls for two different purposes:
    71 1. If {{{palmrun}}} does not find a MAKE_DEPOSITORY folder, it calls {{{palmbuild}}} with the respective configuration identifier (e.g. {{{palmbuild -c abcde}}} in order to pre-compile PALM. 
     771. If {{{palmrun}}} does not find a MAKE_DEPOSITORY folder, it calls {{{palmbuild}}} with the respective configuration identifier (e.g. {{{palmbuild -c default}}} in order to pre-compile PALM. 
    73792. {{{palmbuild}}} is called to compile sources for the specific PALM run. This may be user-interface code (if there is any), or modified code from the working copy (i.e. from {{{.../trunk/SOURCE}}}) that has been specified by {{{palmrun}}} option {{{-s}}}. {{{palmrun}}} has put the respective source files (plus all other files from the MAKE_DEPOSITORY) into a newly created folder named {{{SOURCES_FOR_RUN_<ci>_<ri>}}}, where {{{<ci>}}} is the configuration identifier and {{{<ri>}}} is the run identifier that have been specified with {{{palmrun}}} options {{{-c}}} and {{{-r}}}. This SOURCES_FOR_RUN-folder is created in the directory that has been specified by variable {{{base_directory}}} in the configuration file. {{{palmbuild}}} copies this folder to directory {{{$fast_io_catalog/SOURCES_FOR_RUN_<ci>_<ri>}}} and compiles the user-interface or/and modified sources (if there are any). Variable {{{fast_io_catalog}}} is also defined in the configuration file. In case of remote jobs, the SOURCES_FOR_RUN folder is copied via {{{scp}}} and the compiler is invoked via {{{ssh}}}. The internal {{{palmbuild}}} call generally looks like
    82 \\
    83 == {{{palmbuild}}} options ==
    84 Only option {{{-c}}} and {{{-v}}} should be used for manual calls of {{{palmbuild}}}. Other options are internal options that only work if {{{palmbuild}}} is automatically called from within {{{palmrun}}}. {{{---}}} in the ''default value'' column means that the respective option has no argument.
    86 ||='''option''' =||='''default value''' =||='''meaning''' =||
    87 |-----------
    88 ||-c   ||default  ||configuration identifier. Tells {{{palmbuild}}} which configuration file is to be used.  ||
    89 ||-r   ||" "      ||run identifier, as specified with {{{palmrun}}} option {{{-r}}}  ||
    90 ||-v   ||---      ||to run in silent mode. Switches off most messages and queries  ||
    91 ||-V   ||---      ||do not compile sources for the SOURCES_FOR_RUN folder  ||