Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of doc/app/palm_config

May 24, 2018 4:46:31 PM (7 years ago)



  • doc/app/palm_config

    v3 v4  
    3535# this is a comment line
    37 * lines starting with a {{{%}}} in the first column are defining unix environment varibales used in {{{palmrun}}} and {{{palmbuild}}}.
     37* lines starting with a {{{%}}} in the first column are defining unix environment variables used in {{{palmrun}}} and {{{palmbuild}}}.
    3939%var value of var
    41 means that a variable named {{{var}}} is created which is given the value {{{value of var}}}. There must be at least one blank between the variable name and its value. The value may contain an arbitrary number of blanks. The value can contain already defined variables:
     41means that a variable named {{{var}}} with value {{{value of var}}} is created. There must be at least one blank between the variable name and its value. The value may contain an arbitrary number of blanks. The value can contain already defined variables:
    4343%default_folder  /work/abcd
    4444%subfolder1  $default_folder/efgh
    46 which means that {{{subfolder1}}} has the value {{{/work/abcd/efgh}}}. You can also use any variables that are already defined within the {{{palmrun}}}/{{{palmbuild}}} scripts. The most important one is {{{jobname}}}, which value is given with {{{palmrun}}} option {{{-d}}}, and which defines the so-called ''jobname''. This variable is mentioned here because it is used in the default configuration files for naming I/O files and to better sort I/O files from different PALM runs in an organized folder structure.
     46which means that {{{subfolder1}}} has the value {{{/work/abcd/efgh}}}. You can also use any variables that are already defined within the {{{palmrun}}}/{{{palmbuild}}} scripts. The most important one is {{{jobname}}}, which value is given with {{{palmrun}}} option {{{-d}}}, and which defines the so-called ''jobname''. This variable is mentioned here because it is used in the default configuration files for naming I/O files and to better sort I/O files from different PALM runs in an organized folder structure. Beside the value replacement using the UNIX shell syntax (i.e. {{{$abcd}}} gives the value of variable {{{abcd}}}), another way to insert values of environment variables is to write them in double curly brackets, i.e. {{{ {{abcd}} }}} will be replaced by the value of {{{abce}}}. This way of variable replacement is required for some special variables and in the job directives.
     47* lines starting with {{{IC:}}} define ...