Changes between Version 20 and Version 21 of doc/app/palm_config
- Timestamp:
- Aug 29, 2018 9:36:02 AM (6 years ago)
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v20 v21 95 95 ||compiler_name_ser ||FORTRAN compiler name to create non-MPI executables. This name is required, because {{{palmbuild}}} generates several helper programs for pre-/post-processing, which run in serial mode on just one code. Here you give the original compiler name, like ''ifort'', ''pgfortran'', ''gfortran'', or ''xlf95''. || 96 96 ||cpp_options ||Preprocessor directives to be used for compiling the PALM code. They allow for conditional compilation using the {{{-D}}} compiler option. Compiling PALM with MPI support requires options {{{-D__parallel -DMPI_REAL=MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION -DMPI_2REAL=MPI_2DOUBLE_PRECISION}}}. Many compilers require to set an additional option to run the FORTRAN preprocessor on source files before compilation (e.g. ''-fpp'' for the Intel compiler). This option has to be given here too. Alternatively, you can provide it as part of the {{{compiler_options}}}. See [wiki:doc/app/cpp_options cpp_options] for a complete list of preprocessor define strings that are used in the PALM code. || 97 ||make_options ||Options for the UNIX {{{make}}}-command, which is used by {{{palmbuild}}} to compile the PALM code. In order to speed up compilation, you may use the {{{-j}}} option, which specifies the number of jobs to run simultaneously. If you have e.g. 4 cores on your local computer system, then {{{-j 4}}} starts 4 instances of the FORTRAN compiler, i.e. 4 FORTRAN-files are compiled simultaneously (if the dependencies allow for that). Do not try to start more instances than the number of available cores, because this will decrease the compiler performance significantly. || no default value ||97 ||make_options ||Options for the UNIX {{{make}}}-command, which is used by {{{palmbuild}}} to compile the PALM code. In order to speed up compilation, you may use the {{{-j}}} option, which specifies the number of jobs to run simultaneously. If you have e.g. 4 cores on your local computer system, then {{{-j 4}}} starts 4 instances of the FORTRAN compiler, i.e. 4 FORTRAN-files are compiled simultaneously (if the dependencies allow for that). Do not try to start more instances than the number of available cores, because this will decrease the compiler performance significantly. || 98 98 ||compiler_options ||Options to be used by the compiler that has been specified by {{{compiler_name}}} / {{{compiler_name_ser}}} in order to compile the PALM and utilities source code. Please see [wiki:doc/app/recommended_compiler_options] for recommended compiler options for specific compilers. Library paths do not have to be given here (although you can do that), but paths to INCLUDE files may need to be specified. || 99 99 ||linker_options ||Compiler options to be used to link the PALM executable. Typically, these are paths to libraries used by PALM, e.g. NetCDF, FFTW, MPI, etc. You may repeat the options that you have given with {{{compiler_options}}} here. See your local system documentation / software manuals for required path settings. Requirements differ from system to system and also depend on the respective libraries that you are using. See [wiki:doc/app/recommended_compiler_options] for specific path settings that we, the PALM group, are using on our computers. Be aware, that these settings probably will not work on your computer system. || … … 128 128 ||='''Variable name''' =||='''meaning''' =||='''value''' =|| 129 129 |----------- 130 ||job_id ||Job name under which you can find the job in the respective job queue ||generated from {{{palmrun}}} option {{{-d}}} plus a 5-digit random number, separated by a dot, e.g. {{{palmrun -d abcde ...}}} may generate {{{abcde.12345}}} || 130 ||project_account ||Account number under which the batch job shall run. ||argument of {{{palmrun}}} option {{-A}}} || 131 ||job_id ||Job name under which you can find the job in the respective job queue ||argument of {{{palmrun}}} option {{{-d}}} plus a 5-digit random number, separated by a dot, e.g. {{{palmrun -d abcde ...}}} may generate {{{abcde.12345}}} || 131 132 ||cpu_hours \\ cpu_minutes \\ cpu_seconds \\ cputime ||cpu time requested by the job split in hours, minutes and seconds. {{{cputime}}} is the requested time in seconds. ||Calculated from {{{palmrun}}} option {{{-t}}}, e.g. in the above example, {{{palmrun -t 3662 ...}}} will generate {{{1:1:2}}} || 132 133 ||timestring ||Requested CPU time in format hh:mm:ss ||calculated from {{{palmrun}}} option {{{-t}}} || … … 140 141 ||queue ||Batch queue to which the job is submitted ||as given by {{{palmrun}}} option {{{-q}}}. If the option is omitted, a default queue defined by variable {{{default_queue}}} is used. || 141 142 ||previous_job ||Job-id of a previous job ||as given with {{{palmrun}}} option {{{-W}}}. Can be used to define job dependencies. The job-id should be the one that has been assigned by the batch system to the (previous) job. || 142 143 Variable {{{project_account}}} is not known by {{{palmrun}}} by default. It needs to be defined in the configuration file by an addition entry like:144 {{{145 %project_account nhbk20010146 }}}147 143 148 144 Instead of using variables in the batch directives, you may give specific values, but with a loss of flexibility.