Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of doc/app/palm_config

Jul 18, 2018 1:40:40 PM (7 years ago)



  • doc/app/palm_config

    v10 v11  
    8787||remote_ip         ||IP-address of the remote system where the batch job shall be started. On large cluster systems this will usually be the address of a login node. Setting this variable in the configuration file will cause {{{palmrun}}} to run in remote batch job mode, i.e. a batch job will be created and send to the remote system automatically without giving {{{palmrun}}}-option {{{-b}}}. ||no default value  ||
    8888||remote_username   ||Your username on the remote computer that is given by {{{remote_ip}}}. ||no default value ||
     89||ssh_key           ||Filename from which the identity (private key) for public key authentication is read. This file is assumed to be in folder {{{$HOME/.ssh}}}.  ||no default value  ||
     90||remote_loginnode  ||Name of the login node of the remote computer. Nodes on big compute clusters are separated into compute nodes and login nodes (and sometimes I/O nodes). Some computer centers only allow the login nodes to establish ssh/scp connections to addresses outside the computing center. In such cases, since {{{palmrun}}} is executed on the compute nodes, it first has to send the output data to the login node, from where it is then forwarded to your local computer. If the compute nodes on your remote host do not allow direct ssh/scp connections to your local computer, you need to provide the name of the login node of the remote host. Typically, this is a mnemonic name like ''loginnode1'' and not an IP-address (like ''''). Several login nodes often exist. You just have to give one of them. If you do not provide a name, you probably will not receive data on your local host from the PALM run. ||no default value  ||
     91||defaultqueue      ||Batch job queue to be used if no queue is explicitly given with {{{palmrun}}} option {{{-q}}}.  ||no default value  ||
     92||submit_command    ||Full path to the command that has to be used to submit batch jobs on your system (either on the local, or on the remote host), including required option. See documentation of your batch system / computing center to find out which command has to be used. An example for a {{{moab}}} batch system could be {{{/opt/moab/default/bin/msub -E}}}. If you only know the command name (e.g. ''msub''), entering {{{which msub}}} on the local/remote host will give you the full path.  ||no default value  ||
     93||compiler_name     ||Name of the FORTRAN compiler to be used to create the PALM executable. Typically, this is the name of a wrapper script like ''mpif90'' or e.g. ''ftn'' on Cray machines, which automatically invokes the required MPI library and MPI include file. If you don't have a wrapper script, you may need to explicitly give compiler options (see {{{compiler_options}}}) to provide paths to the library / include file. If you like to run PALM without MPI (serial mode, or OpenMP parallelization), you should not use a wrapper script and give the original compiler name instead. ||no default value  ||
     94||compiler_name_ser ||FORTRAN compiler name to create non-MPI executables. This name is required, because {{{palmbuild}}} generates several helper programs for pre-/post-processing, which run in serial mode on just one code. Here you give the original compiler name, like ''ifort'', ''pgfortran'', ''gfortran'', or ''xlf95''.  ||no default value  || 
    94 # ssh-key to be used for ssh/scp calls to the remote host
    95 #%ssh_key             ~/.ssh/id_rsa
    97 # name of login-node on the remote machine
    98 #%remote_loginnode    <loginnode>
    100 # default queue to be used if palmrun-option -q is omitted
    101 #%defaultqueue        <queue>
    103 # command to submit batch jobs
    104 #%submit_command      /opt/moab/default/bin/msub -E
    106 # compilername to generate MPI executables
    107 %compiler_name       mpif90
    109 # compilername to generate non-MPI executables running on one core
    110 %compiler_name_ser   ifort
    11298# preprocessor directives to be used for compiling the PALM code