Version 11 (modified by heinze, 14 years ago) (diff)


Usage of PALM NCL scripts


The standard output format of data in PALM is netCDF. PALM produces output of 3D volume data, 2D cross sections, profiles, timeseries and spectra. All these kinds of output can be plotted with the NCAR Command Language NCL which is an interpreted language designed specifically for scientific data analysis and visualization.

For PALM users four NCL scripts and one configuation file exist in the repository trunk/SCRIPTS/NCL to receive a quick overview of the output data:

  • cross_sections.ncl: contour, isoline or vector plots (of a 2-dimensional vector) from 2D or 3D data; instantaneous or time-averaged xy, xz, yz or 3D data can be used
  • profiles.ncl: profile line plots from profile or 3D data
  • spectra.ncl: NCL spectra plots from spectra data
  • timeseries.ncl: line plots from timeseries data
  • .ncl.config.default: default configuration file

The shell script palmplot is designed for running the NCL scripts interactively and can be found in /trunk/SCRIPTS. The usage is as follows:

palmplot plot_identifier

plot_identifier has to be xy, xz, yz, pr, sp or ts in dependence on the data that is to be plotted:

plot_identifier data used ncl script
xy instantaneous or time-averaged xy or 3D data cross_sections.ncl
xz instantaneous or time-averaged xz or 3D data cross_sections.ncl
yz instantaneous or time-averaged yz or 3D data cross_sections.ncl
pr profile or 3D data profiles.ncl
sp spectra data spectra.ncl
yz timeseries data timeseries.ncl

Several parameters can be steered to change the output of the plots. They can be either written in the prompt, modified within the configuration file .ncl.config.default or both.

Using .ncl.config

It is recommended to create a personal configuration file by copying the default configuration file .ncl.config. default to the PALM working directory ~/palm/current_version and naming it .ncl.config. It is used by NCL directly. So, the parameters have to be written in .ncl.config according to the rules of the scripting language NCL. The configuration file contains all steering parameters with a short description and can be modified to personal needs.

Using palmplot

For controlling the parameters within the prompt, they need to be written as

palmplot plot_identifier parameter=value parameter=string

It is necessary to set the string parameters which can contain lists (var, c_var, vec1, vec2, plotvec) in single quotes. The list itself has to be separated by blanks.
Example: var='pt u w*pt* w”pt”' or c_var='v w' or var='E*'

Setting of parameters in the configuration file .ncl.config will be ignored if parameters are specified in the prompt.

A short introduction for using the shell script is given by using

palmplot -?