Version 2 (modified by raasch, 14 years ago) (diff) |
Hints for using the IBM-Regatta-Power6 system at KISTI
Since 2009, KISTI (Korean Institute of Science and Technology) is running an IBM-Regatta system with Power6 CPUs and 24 batch nodes with up to 64 cores. It can be accessed via the interactive node ( The PALM scripts have been adjusted to be used on that system in March 2011 (r...). Batch jobs can be submitted directly from the interactive node or from any remote computer.
Submission of batch jobs from remote (i.e. from a local host) requires the following actions:
- Since KISTI's firewall does not allow outgoing ssh/scp connections, you have to ask KISTI about opening the outgoing ssh/scp port 22 for the IP-address of your local computer. If the KISTI firewall is not opened properly, PALM jobs cannot transfer back results and job protocols. Also, restart runs are not possible.
- KISTI will open the firewall only for the interactive node gaiad. Since PALM jobs are running on the batch nodes, they have to redirect all ssh/scp transfer via gaiad. This is done by internal ssh from the respective batch nodes to the interactive node, which requires to create an ssh-key. Login on gaiad and execute:
{{{ ssh-keygen -t dsa
cat >> authorized_keys
In order to make it work, you have to login