811 | | description follows |
| 811 | File contains column-separted profiles of the prognostic variable u, v, w, pt, q originating from measurements or larger scale models which are to be used for the nudging. Additionally, height information and the nudging time scale tnudge have to be provided.\\\\ |
| 812 | In case of [../inipar#nudging nudging] = ''.T.'' the subroutine {{{init_nudge}}} which is called in {{{palm}}} reads the profile information in a free floating point format. The hash character (#) is used as a special steering character. The data in the file has to be organized in the following way:\\ |
| 813 | * the file can begin with an arbitrary number of lines beginning with a # where header information can be placed |
| 814 | * a line beginning with ''# time'' indicates that a profile data set at time step ''time'' follows afterwards |
| 815 | * profile data following ''# time'' is column separated and has to be in the following sequence: height information z, nudging time scale tnudge, prognostic variables u, v, w, pt, q |
| 816 | The height information does not have to match PALM's grid. A vertical interpolation to the zu-grid of PALM is conducted in {{{init_nudge}}}. |
| 817 | |