Changes between Version 66 and Version 67 of doc/app/iofiles

Jan 28, 2011 10:48:51 AM (14 years ago)



  • doc/app/iofiles

    v66 v67  
    4343Knowledge of the file structure is usually not necessary, because the file is produced and also read again by the model, but it can be useful for error determination in case of read errors. Therefore the file structure is described in the following.  \\\\
    4444The first record of this file contains a version number (ten character string) of the subroutine, which output the data that follows ({{{write_var_list.f90}}}). This number has to agree with the version number subroutine which is reading the file ({{{read_var_list.f90}}}) in case of a restart run. Otherwise the model run is aborted. Version numbers are changed whenever new code revisions require a change of the file format. \\\\
    45 Starting from the second record, all initial parameters follow (exception: [../inipar#initializing_actions initializing_actions]), whereby each parameter fills two records. In the first record the name of the parameter is saved as a character string (30 characters long, short names are filled by trailing blanks, longer names are cut off at the end), in the second record the value (or the values) of the parameter follow. The sequence of parameters on the file may be arbitrary, however the first and second variable must be [../inipar#nz nz] and [../d3par#statistic_regions statistic_regions]. If a variable with unknown name is found the model run is aborted. \\\\
     45Starting from the second record, all initial parameters follow (exception: [../inipar#initializing_actions initializing_actions]), whereby each parameter fills two records. In the first record the name of the parameter is saved as a character string (30 characters long, short names are filled by trailing blanks, longer names are cut off at the end), in the second record the value (or the values) of the parameter follow. The sequence of parameters on the file may be arbitrary, however the first and second variable must be [../inipar#nz nz] and [../inipar#statistic_regions statistic_regions]. If a variable with unknown name is found the model run is aborted. \\\\
    4646At the end of the initial parameters a record with the string '!***''end''!***' follows (filled up with trailing blanks up to a length of 30 characters).  \\\\
    4747Afterwards the fields of the prognostic and diagnostic variables follow. This part of the file also begins with a record consisting of a character string of length 10, which contains the version number of the subroutine that wrote the arrays that follow ({{{write_3d_binary.f90}}}). It must agree with the number of the reading subroutine ({{{read_3d_binary.f90}}}). \\\\
    305 This file contains horizontally (and possibly temporally) averaged vertical profiles of some model variables. The quantities saved are set model-internally and can not be determined by the user. At each output time (see [../d3par#dt_dopr_listing dt_dopr_listing]) two tables are written to the file consecutively. The first contains variables which are defined on the scalar / u-v-grid-levels, the second table contains variables which are defined on the w-grid-levels. If subdomains were defined with the initialization parameter [../d3par#statistic_regions statistic_regions] for additional statistic evaluation, then the tables described above are written for each individual subdomain. The name of the respective subdomain (see [../userpar#region region]) appears in the header of the respective table. \\
     305This file contains horizontally (and possibly temporally) averaged vertical profiles of some model variables. The quantities saved are set model-internally and can not be determined by the user. At each output time (see [../d3par#dt_dopr_listing dt_dopr_listing]) two tables are written to the file consecutively. The first contains variables which are defined on the scalar / u-v-grid-levels, the second table contains variables which are defined on the w-grid-levels. If subdomains were defined with the initialization parameter [../inipar#statistic_regions statistic_regions] for additional statistic evaluation, then the tables described above are written for each individual subdomain. The name of the respective subdomain (see [../userpar#region region]) appears in the header of the respective table. \\
    306306In each case the tables consist of a header, followed by the profiles arranged next to each other in columns. The header contains some basic information of the respective run (model version, run identifier consisting of basic file name and number of the job in the job chain, executing computer, date, time of the beginning of the run, name of the subdomain, output time, kind of averaging). On the u-v-level the following columns are written: \\
    307307{{{#!table style="border:none"