4 | | On parallel computers many of the files are read and/or written by the central processing element 0 (PE0) only. These files have processor-independent content (and therefore they can be read or written by other PEs just as well). However, certain files have processor-dependent content. For the binary output of data for restart runs (local file [#BINOUT BINOUT]), for example, each PE outputs only the data of its subdomain. So each processing element writes into its own file with its own file name. These files lie in a subdirectory of the temporary working directory. Their names are build off from the underline ("_ ") and the four digit processor ID. The data written for restart runs would be e.g. on the files BINOUT/_0000 (PE0), BINOUT/_0001 (PE1), BINOUT/_0002 (PE2) etc. Such files, which have processor-dependent content on parallel computers, are marked in the following list by the fact, that to the file name a line ("/") is attached. If appropriate output files are to be copied through '''mrun''' to permanent files, and/or files with processor-dependent content are supposed to be copied as input files into the temporary working directory of the model, you have to indicate a special file attribute in the appropriate file connection statement (see [wiki:arpe arpe], [wiki:flpe flpe] in the '''mrun''' description). Then the permanent file name will be interpreted as a directory name, in which the input files are expected and/or to which output files are written. The file names in these directories are always named _0000, _0001, _0002 etc. \\\\ |
| 4 | On parallel computers many of the files are read and/or written by the central processing element 0 (PE0) only. These files have processor-independent content (and therefore they can be read or written by other PEs just as well). However, certain files have processor-dependent content. For the binary output of data for restart runs (local file [#BINOUT BINOUT]), for example, each PE outputs only the data of its subdomain. So each processing element writes into its own file with its own file name. These files lie in a subdirectory of the temporary working directory. Their names are build off from the underline ("_") and the four digit processor ID. The data written for restart runs would be e.g. on the files BINOUT/_0000 (PE0), BINOUT/_0001 (PE1), BINOUT/_0002 (PE2) etc. Such files, which have processor-dependent content on parallel computers, are marked in the following list by the fact, that to the file name a line ("/") is attached. If appropriate output files are to be copied through '''mrun''' to permanent files, and/or files with processor-dependent content are supposed to be copied as input files into the temporary working directory of the model, you have to indicate a special file attribute in the appropriate file connection statement (see [wiki:arpe arpe], [wiki:flpe flpe] in the '''mrun''' description). Then the permanent file name will be interpreted as a directory name, in which the input files are expected and/or to which output files are written. The file names in these directories are always named _0000, _0001, _0002 etc. \\\\ |