Changes between Version 18 and Version 19 of doc/app/iofiles

Sep 14, 2010 9:47:58 AM (14 years ago)



  • doc/app/iofiles

    v18 v19  
    3838The first record of this file contains a version number (ten character string) of the subroutine, which output the data that follows ({{{write_var_list.f90}}}). This number has to agree with the version number subroutine which is reading the file ({{{read_var_list.f90}}}) in case of a restart run. Otherwise the model run is aborted. Version numbers are changed whenever new code revisions require a change of the file format. \\\\
    3939Starting from the second record, all initial parameters follow (exception: [../inipar#initializing_actions initializing_actions]), whereby each parameter fills two records. In the first record the name of the parameter is saved as a character string (30 characters long, short names are filled by trailing blanks, longer names are cut off at the end), in the second record the value (or the values) of the parameter follow. The sequence of parameters on the file may be arbitrary, however the first and second variable must be [../inipar#nz nz] and [../d3par#statistic_regions statistic_regions]. If a variable with unknown name is found the model run is aborted. \\\\
    40 At the end of the initial parameters a record with the string '!***end!***' follows (filled up with trailing blanks up to a length of 30 characters).  \\\\
     40At the end of the initial parameters a record with the string '!***{{{end}}}!***' follows (filled up with trailing blanks up to a length of 30 characters).  \\\\
    4141Afterwards the fields of the prognostic and diagnostic variables follow. This part of the file also begins with a record consisting of a character string of length 10, which contains the version number of the subroutine that wrote the arrays that follow ({{{write_3d_binary.f90}}}). It must agree with the number of the reading subroutine ({{{read_3d_binary.f90}}}). \\\\
    4242The following record contains the number of processors which were used in the model run producing this file, the processor ID of the special processor, which creates the file, as well as the lower and upper array indices of the subdomain belonging to this processing element. If no complete agreement with the values of the current model run exists, then this is aborted. This examination must be made in particular on parallel computers, because the jobs of a job chain always have to use the same number of processors and the same virtual processor grid. \\\\
    43 After these tests the individual arrays as well as parameters and variables for plots of horizontally averaged vertical profiles follow. Like the initialization parameters, they consist of two records. In the first record, the name of the array or the variable (character string, consisting of 20 characters, filled with trailing blanks) is located, in the second one its values follow. The sequence of the individual variables may be arbitrary again. The parameters for the plot and the respective variables are only read in if for the run parameter [../d3par#use_prior_plot1d_parameters use_prior_plot1d_parameters] = .T. is selected, otherwise they will be skipped.\\\\
    44 At the end of the file there has to be a record with the character string '!***end!***' (filled up with trailing blanks up to a length of 20 characters).           
     43After these tests the individual arrays as well as parameters and variables for plots of horizontally averaged vertical profiles follow. Like the initialization parameters, they consist of two records. In the first record, the name of the array or the variable (character string, consisting of 20 characters, filled with trailing blanks) is located, in the second one its values follow. The sequence of the individual variables may be arbitrary again. The parameters for the plot and the respective variables are only read in if for the run parameter [../d3par#use_prior_plot1d_parameters use_prior_plot1d_parameters] = ''.T.'' is selected, otherwise they will be skipped.\\\\
     44At the end of the file there has to be a record with the character string '!***{{{end}}}!***' (filled up with trailing blanks up to a length of 20 characters).           
     552{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; width: 50px"
     555{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; width: 150px"
     556[=#HEADER HEADER/] \\
     557[=#HEADER_O (HEADER_O)]
     559{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; width: 50px"
     562{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; width: 100px"
     566Information about the selected model parameters (physical and numerical values) as well as general information about the run. \\\\
     567This file contains the values of all important steering parameters (numerical procedures, computing grid and model dimensions, boundary conditions, physical dimension, turbulence quantities, actions during the simulation, 1D-model-parameters) as well as data concerning the selected plot and list outputs. The headlines of the file list the program version used, date and time of the beginning of the run, the name of the executing computer, the run identifier (corresponds to the selected base file name) and the number of the run (number of the restart run). With parallel runs the number of processors as well as the assigned virtual processor net also appear. After these headlines run time and time step information appear (point of starting time, related to t=0 of the initial run, end-time, time actually reached, CPU time, etc.). If a model run is incorrectly terminated (e.g. run time error or excess of the permitted CPU time), information over the time reached and the necessary CPU time is missing (to understand: the file HEADER is written twice by the model; once briefly after beginning of the simulation (naturally here the information over the time reached is missing etc.) and then briefly before the normal end of the simulation. The second, now complete output overwrites the first output.).  \\\\
     568At the end of the file, information about the values of user parameters (see [wiki:chapter_37 chapter 3.7] and [wiki:chapter_43 chapter 4.3]) can be output by the user with the help of the subroutine {{{user_header}}} (located in the file {{{user_interface.f90}}}). If no user parameters were found, the string '!*** {{{no user-defined variables found}}}' appears at the end of the file. If user parameters were indicated, the string '{{{user-defined variables and actions}}}' is printed, followed by informations about the user-defined subdomains for which profiles and time series are output. All further information to appear here, must be provided by the user (by appropriate WRITE statements in {{{user_header}}}).
     571{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; width: 50px"
     574{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; width: 150px"
     575[=#PLOT3D_DATA PLOT3D_DATA/] \\
     576[=#PLOT3D_DATA_O (PLOT3D_DATA_O)]
     578{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; width: 50px"
     581{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; width: 100px"
     586This file contains the data of the three-dimensional arrays (see [../d3par#data_output data_output]) written by the model in a format readable for the visualization software AVS. Beyond that AVS needs coordinate information, which are output into the local file [#PLOT3D_COOR PLOT3D_COOR], as well as the local files [#PLOT3D_FLD PLOT3D_FLD] and [#PLOT3D_FLD_COOR PLOT3D_FLD_COOR], which describe the structure of the files PLOT3D_DATA and PLOT3D_COOR in the so-called AVS-FLD-format. Due to the fact that AVS expects these information in only one (so-called FLD -) file, the content of the file PLOT3D_FLD_COOR must be appended to the file PLOT3D_FLD by the user after the end of the model run (e.g. with an appropriate OUTPUT - command in the MRUN - configuration file: "{{{cat PLOT3D_FLD_COOR >> PLOT3D_FLD}}}"). \\\\
     588With parallel runs each processing element writes the data of its subdomain to a separate file with the name PLOT3D_DATA_<Processor-Id>, where <Processor-Id> is a four digit number (e.g. PLOT3D_DATA_0000). These files are not suitable for AVS, but after the end of the model run they can be combined to one file readable for AVS with the help of the program {{{combine_plot_fields.x}}}. This tool expects the files of the individual processing elements under the names described above and outputs the combined file into a new file PLOT3D_DATA. Usually it is called by an appropriate OUTPUT - command in the MRUN-configuration file. The tool writes informative messages about the accomplished actions into the job protocol (e.g., even if no files were found). By the call of {{{combine_plot_fields.x}}} also possibly existing files with two-dimensional plot data (see e.g. PLOT2D_XY) are combined. \\\\   
     589With parallel runs the output of data of large volume is also possible in compressed form. For this purpose the initialization parameter  [../d3par#do3d_compress do3d_compress] = ''.T.'' must be set and the desired output accuracy has to be indicated with the help of [../d3par#do3d_comp_prec do3d_comp_prec]. In favorable cases the file size can be reduced by a factor of up to 5. For the visualization of compressed data a special AVS module ({{{read_compressed_field}}}) and a further entry in the MRUN-configuration file are needed. More details can be found in [wiki:chapter_456 chapter 4.5.6].
     592{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; width: 50px"
     595{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; width: 150px"
     596[=#PLOT3D_COOR PLOT3D_COOR/]
     598{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; width: 50px"
     601{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; width: 100px"
     605Coordinate information concerning the three-dimensional arrays (see [#PLOT3D_DATA PLOT3D_DATA]) needed by the visualization software AVS. \\\\ 
     606The file PLOT3D_COOR should be saved by the user into the same permanent directory as the file PLOT3D_DATA. \\\\
     607For parallel runs PLOT3D_COOR is written by PE0 only.
     610{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; width: 50px"
     613{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; width: 150px"
     614[=#PLOT3D_FLD PLOT3D_FLD/]
     616{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; width: 50px"
     619{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top; width: 100px"
     620ASCII/ \\
     624AVS-Fld-file describing the three-dimensional array data, saved by the model into the local file [#PLOT3D_DATA PLOT3D_DATA], needed by the visualization software AVS. \\\\
     625This file describes the structure of the file PLOT3D_DATA (e.g. number of arrays, array dimensions, data type etc.). It uses the so-called AVS-Fld-format. It also contains the name of the file (inclusive cycle number, but without path) under which the local file PLOT3D_DATA is saved (this is the file name given in the file connection statement of the MRUN – configuration) in the permanent directory of the user (possibly on remote computers). Under this name AVS expects the data which are to be visualized. If there is no file connection statement for PLOT3D_DATA indicated in the configuration file, that file (filename) is registered "unknown" in the file PLOT3D_FLD and the actual name must be inserted later by hand. The file PLOT3D_FLD should be saved by the user in the same permanent directory as PLOT3D_DATA, so that AVS can find the file PLOT3D_DATA without any problems. If the two files lie in different directories, then the path name of the file PLOT3D_DATA must be added. \\\\
     626AVS-Fld-files are expected by AVS to have the suffix "{{{.fld}}}". Cycle numbers must not be attached behind this "{{{.fld}}}" suffix. This suffix is attached to the permanent file names (still after possible cycle numbers) by '''mrun''' if "{{{fld}}}" is indicated in the [wiki:column6 column6] of the file connection statement.