175 | | Time step (in s). The following character indicates the reason of timestep limititaion: (A) - timestep limitation due to advection (CFL criterion), (D) due to diffusion criterion, (S) due to diffusion criterion at energy-balance surfaces (see [../land_surface_parameters land surface] and [../urban_surface_parameters urban surface]), (P) due to precipitaton (see [../bulk_cloud_model_parameters bulk cloud model]), (X) timestep is limited by [../runtime_parameters#dt_max dt_max]), (F) timestep [../runtime_parameters#dt dt] is fixed to a constant value. This does not apply for the default Runge-Kutta timestep scheme. |
| 175 | Time step (in s). The following character indicates the reason of timestep limititaion: (A) - timestep limitation due to advection (CFL criterion), (D) due to diffusion criterion, (S) due to diffusion criterion at energy-balance surfaces (see [../land_surface_parameters land surface] and [../urban_surface_parameters urban surface]), (P) due to precipitaton (see [../bulk_cloud_parameters bulk cloud model]), (X) timestep is limited by [../runtime_parameters#dt_max dt_max], (F) timestep [../runtime_parameters#dt dt] is fixed to a constant value. This does not apply for the default Runge-Kutta timestep scheme. |