Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of doc/app/iofiles/wrf_interface

Nov 2, 2020 4:24:47 PM (4 years ago)



  • doc/app/iofiles/wrf_interface

    v3 v4  
    7676|| nested_domain       || False || False indicates parent and True nested domain. ||
    7777|| dynamic_driver_file || "" || File name of output dynamic driver. The default value "" means the standard name assigned in the palm_dynamic_init. ||
    78 || grid_from_static    || True || Value True - the grid parameters are imported from the static driver, False - they are prescribed in the config. ||
    79 || static_driver_file  || "" || File name of the static driver in case of grid_from_static.  The default value "" means the standard name assigned in init. ||
    80 || proj_palm           || "EPSG:32633" || Reference coordinate system of PALM simulation. ||
     78|| grid_from_static    || True || True means the horizontal grid parameters are imported from the static driver, in case of False, they are to be prescribed in the config (see below). ||
     79|| static_driver_file  || "" || File name of the static driver in case of grid_from_static = True.  The default value "" means the standard name is assigned in init. ||
     80|| proj_palm           || "EPSG:32633" || Reference coordinate system of the PALM simulation. ||
    8181|| proj_wgs84          || "EPSG:4326" || Reference coordinate system of lon-lat projection. ||
    8282|| dz                  || 0.0 || Height of the PALM vertical grid layer. The default value dz = 0.0 means dz is assigned from dx. ||
    8585|| dz_stretch_factor   || 1.0 || Coefficient of the stretching of the vertical layers in PALM. ||
    8686|| dz_max              || 100.0 || Maximal height of the stretched vertical layers. ||
    87 || origin_time         || "" || Origin time of the PALM simulation in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. The default value "" means that the value is read from the global attribute of the static driver. ||
     87|| origin_time         || "" || Origin time of the PALM simulation in the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss. The default value "" means that the value is set from the global attribute "origin_time" of the static driver. ||
    8888|| simulation_hours    || 24 || Extent of the simulation in hours. ||
    9696|| wrf_hybrid_levs                 || True || True means hybrid levels in WRF files, False sigma levels. ||
    9797|| vinterp_terrain_smoothing       || None || The standard deviation for Gaussian kernel of smoothing method of the PALM terrain for WRF vertical interpolation to avoid sharp horizontal gradients. Value None disables the smoothing. ||
    98 || wrf_dir_name                    || "" || Files path of the wrf and camx input files. The default value "" means that the standard path will be calculated in the init. ||
     98|| wrf_dir_name                    || "" || Path of the directory containing the wrf and camx files. The default value "" means that the standard path will be calculated in the init. ||
    9999|| wrf_file_mask                   || "wrfout_*.e000" || File mask of the wrf input files. ||
    100100|| radiation_from_wrf              || True || Enable or disable processing of radiation from WRF files. ||
    101 || wrf_rad_file_mask               || "auxhist6_*" || File mask of the wrf radiation input files.  The default setting reads radiation from WRF auxiliary history files. This setting allows to use finer time step for WRF radiation outputs than for other values. ||
     101|| wrf_rad_file_mask               || "auxhist6_*" || File mask of the wrf radiation input files.  The default setting reads radiation from WRF auxiliary history files. This setting allows to use finer time step for WRF radiation outputs than for other WRF values. ||
    102102|| radiation_smoothing_distance    || 10000.0 || Smoothing distance for radiation values in m. ||
    103103|| camx_file_mask                  || "CAMx.*.nc" || File mask of the CAMx input files. ||
    104 || species_names                   || ['NO','NO2','O3','PM10','PM25'] || PALM names of the chemical species.  The default value can be used for phstatp and phstatp2 chemical mechanisms in PALM. The mapping and recalculation from the CAMx species to PALM species is defined in the variable camx_conversions (see The current mapping is adjusted for CAMx v6.50 with CB05 + PM (CF,SOAP2.1,ISORROPIA) chemistry mechanisms.  In case of other combinations, it may be necessary to adjust this mapping. ||
     104|| species_names                   || ['NO','NO2','O3','PM10','PM25'] || PALM names of the chemical species.  The default value can be used for phstatp and phstatp2 chemical mechanisms in PALM. The mapping and recalculation from the CAMx species to PALM species is defined in the variable camx_conversions (see The default mapping is configured for CAMx v6.50 with CB05 + PM (CF,SOAP2.1,ISORROPIA) chemistry mechanisms.  In case of other combinations, it may be necessary to adjust this mapping. ||
    111111|| nx, ny              || Number of horizontal grids of the domain in x and y directions. ||
    112112|| dx, dy              || Grid cell size of the domain in x and y directions. ||
    113 || origin_x, origin_y  || Origin x and y of the domain. ||
     113|| origin_x, origin_y  || Origin  of the domain in the x and y directions. ||
    114114|| origin_z            || Origin of the domain in the vertical direction. ||