Changes between Version 38 and Version 39 of doc/app/iofiles/pids/static

Nov 26, 2019 3:05:40 PM (5 years ago)



  • doc/app/iofiles/pids/static

    v38 v39  
    7979||='''Input variable'''  =||='''Type'''  =||='''Attributes''' =||='''Explanation / Remarks'''  =||
    80 ||[=#building_id ''building_id(y,x)'']   || NC_INT       ||{{{_FillValue=-9999}}}(*)\\{{{coordinates}}}\\{{{grid_mapping}}}\\{{{long_name="building_id_number"}}}\\{{{res_orig}}}\\{{{source}}}\\{{{units="1"}}}  || The building ID is used to identify single building envelopes which are composed of a number of grid volumes, and which is used for correct mapping of buildings on top of the underlying terrain, as well as for the [#indoor_model indoor_model]. Please note, '''building_id''' must not contain any {{{_FillValue}}} at grid points where buildings are is defined via [#building_2d building_2d] or [#building_3d building_3d]. There is no specification or limitation for the ID numbers, except that each building must have a unique number.
     80||[=#building_id ''building_id(y,x)'']   || NC_INT       ||{{{_FillValue=-9999}}}(*)\\{{{coordinates}}}\\{{{grid_mapping}}}\\{{{long_name="building_id_number"}}}\\{{{res_orig}}}\\{{{source}}}\\{{{units="1"}}}  || The building ID is used to identify single building envelopes which are composed of a number of grid volumes, and which is used for correct mapping of buildings on top of the underlying terrain, as well as for the [#indoor_model indoor_model]. Please note, ''building_id'' must not contain any {{{_FillValue}}} at grid points where buildings are is defined via [#building_2d building_2d] or [#building_3d building_3d]. There is no specification or limitation for the ID numbers, except that each building must have a unique number.
    8181||[=#buildings_2d ''buildings_2d(y,x)''] || NC_FLOAT     ||{{{_FillValue=-9999.f}}}(*)\\{{{coordinates}}}\\{{{grid_mapping}}}\\{{{lod}}}=1\\{{{long_name="building_height"}}}\\{{{res_orig}}}\\{{{source}}}\\{{{units="m"}}} || Two-dimensional building height in m relative to the underlying terrain. No holes or overhanging structures are possible. ''buildings_2d'' will be mounted on top of the maximum local terrain height occupied by the respective building. Please note, ''buildings_2d'' will not be used if [#buildings_3d buildings_3d] is present on file. If ''buildings_2d'' is used [#building_id building_id] is required. ||
    8282||[=#buildings_3d ''buildings_3d(z,y,x)''] || NC_BYTE     ||{{{_FillValue=-127b}}}(*)\\{{{coordinates}}}\\{{{flag_meanings="no building, building"}}}\\ {{{flag_values=0b, 1b}}}\\{{{grid_mapping}}}\\{{{long_name="building_flag"}}}\\{{{res_orig}}}\\{{{source}}}\\{{{units="1"}}}\\{{{valid_range=0b, 1b}}} || Three-dimensional building topology relative to the underlying terrain. ''buildings_3d'' will be mapped on top of the maximum local terrain height occupied by the respective building. Note, ''buildings_3d'' does not need to be prescribed beyond the top level of the highest buildings, i.e. ''z'' dimension can me minimized accordingly. If ''buildings_3d'' is prescribed, [#building_id building_id] is required. 
    108108{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    109 Optional classification of albedo. Default values for ''albedo_type'' are already set in the bulk parametrization of [#buiding_type building_type], [#pavement_type pavement_type], [#vegetation_type vegetation_type], [#water_type water_type], but will be overwritten in case '''albedo_type''' is defined. The value of ''albedo_type'' will also overwrite the prescribed values in [#vegetation_pars vegetation_pars], [#water_pars water_pars], or [#pavement_pars pavement_pars]. For details, see [wiki:doc/app/radiation_parameters#albedo_type '''albedo_type'''].
     109Optional classification of albedo. Default values for ''albedo_type'' are already set in the bulk parametrization of [#buiding_type building_type], [#pavement_type pavement_type], [#vegetation_type vegetation_type], [#water_type water_type], but will be overwritten in case ''albedo_type'' is defined. The value of ''albedo_type'' will also overwrite the prescribed values in [#vegetation_pars vegetation_pars], [#water_pars water_pars], or [#pavement_pars pavement_pars]. For details, see [wiki:doc/app/radiation_parameters#albedo_type ''albedo_type''].
    110110   {{{#!td
    111111         ||= ''albedo_type'' =||= Description  =||
    157157{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    158 Building type used to select bulk parameters. ''building_type'' is required if the [wiki:doc/app/usmpar urban-surface model] or the [#indoor_model indoor_model]  are applied. Please note, ''building_type'' must not contain any {{{_FillValue}}} at grid points where ''buildings_2d'' / ''buildings_3d'' is defined. For details, see [wiki:doc/app/urban_surface_parameters#building_type '''building_type'''].\\
     158Building type used to select bulk parameters. ''building_type'' is required if the [wiki:doc/app/usmpar urban-surface model] or the [#indoor_model indoor_model]  are applied. Please note, ''building_type'' must not contain any {{{_FillValue}}} at grid points where ''buildings_2d'' / ''buildings_3d'' is defined. For details, see [wiki:doc/app/urban_surface_parameters#building_type ''building_type''].\\
    159159   {{{#!td
    160160         ||= ''building_type'' =||= Description (use, age) =||= [#albedo_type ''albedo_type''] =||
    180180{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    181 Bulk classification of pavements on soil. At locations where ''pavement_type'' is defined, [#soil_type soil_type] must not contain any {{{_FillValues}}}. ''pavement_type'' overwrites the homogeneously prescribed setting via the namelist parameter [wiki:doc/app/land_surface_parameters#pavement_type '''pavement_type'''].
     181Bulk classification of pavements on soil. At locations where ''pavement_type'' is defined, [#soil_type soil_type] must not contain any {{{_FillValues}}}. ''pavement_type'' overwrites the homogeneously prescribed setting via the namelist parameter [wiki:doc/app/land_surface_parameters#pavement_type ''pavement_type''].
    182182   {{{#!td
    183183         ||= ''pavement_type'' =||= Description  =||
    212212{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    213 Bulk classification of soil in terms of porosity. ''soil_type'' overwrites the homogeneously prescribed setting via the namelist parameter [wiki:doc/app/lsmpar#soil_type soil_type]. A soil type is need at all locations where either a [#vegetation_type ''vegetation_type''] or a [#pavement_type ''pavement_type''] is set. In case {{{lod = 1}}}, a 2-dimensional vertically uniform soil texture is prescribed, while in case {{{lod = 2}}} the 3-dimensional soil_type is set for each layer individually. For details, [wiki:doc/app/land_surface_parameters#soil_type '''soil_type'''].
     213Bulk classification of soil in terms of porosity. ''soil_type'' overwrites the homogeneously prescribed setting via the namelist parameter [wiki:doc/app/lsmpar#soil_type soil_type]. A soil type is need at all locations where either a [#vegetation_type ''vegetation_type''] or a [#pavement_type ''pavement_type''] is set. In case {{{lod = 1}}}, a 2-dimensional vertically uniform soil texture is prescribed, while in case {{{lod = 2}}} the 3-dimensional soil_type is set for each layer individually. For details, [wiki:doc/app/land_surface_parameters#soil_type ''soil_type''].
    214214   {{{#!td
    215215         ||= ''soil_type'' =||= Description  =||
    272272{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    273 Relative fraction of the respective surface type given via [#vegetation ''vegetation_type''] (''nsurface_fraction'' = 0), [#pavement_type ''pavement_type''] (''nsurface_fraction'' = 1) and [#water_type ''water_type''] (''nsurface_fraction'' = 2). The sum over all relative fractions must be equal to one for each location. This parameter is only needed at locations (y,x) where more than one surface type (vegetation, pavement, water) is defined. Moreover, if more than one surface type is defined at a location, the relative fractions of the respective surface types must not be 0. Also, if '''surface_fraction''' is given for one of the above mentioned surface types, this type need to be defined at this location.
     273Relative fraction of the respective surface type given via [#vegetation ''vegetation_type''] (''nsurface_fraction'' = 0), [#pavement_type ''pavement_type''] (''nsurface_fraction'' = 1) and [#water_type ''water_type''] (''nsurface_fraction'' = 2). The sum over all relative fractions must be equal to one for each location. This parameter is only needed at locations (y,x) where more than one surface type (vegetation, pavement, water) is defined. Moreover, if more than one surface type is defined at a location, the relative fractions of the respective surface types must not be 0. Also, if ''surface_fraction'' is given for one of the above mentioned surface types, this type need to be defined at this location.
    285285{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    286 Bulk classification of non-resolved (i.e. flat) vegetation surfaces at natural land surface types. At locations where ''vegetation_type'' is defined, [#soil_type soil_type] must not contain any {{{_FillValues}}}. ''vegetation_type'' overwrites the homogeneously prescribed setting via the namelist parameter [wiki:doc/app/lsmpar#vegetation_type '''vegetation_type'''].
     286Bulk classification of non-resolved (i.e. flat) vegetation surfaces at natural land surface types. At locations where ''vegetation_type'' is defined, [#soil_type soil_type] must not contain any {{{_FillValues}}}. ''vegetation_type'' overwrites the homogeneously prescribed setting via the namelist parameter [wiki:doc/app/lsmpar#vegetation_type ''vegetation_type''].
    287287   {{{#!td
    288288         ||= ''vegetation_type'' =||= Description  =||= [#albedo_type ''albedo_type''] =||
    321321{{{#!td style="vertical-align:top"
    322 Bulk classification of water bodies. ''water_type'' overwrites the homogeneously prescribed setting via the namelist parameter [wiki:doc/app/lsmpar#water_type '''water_type'''].
     322Bulk classification of water bodies. ''water_type'' overwrites the homogeneously prescribed setting via the namelist parameter [wiki:doc/app/lsmpar#water_type ''water_type''].
    323323   {{{#!td
    324324         ||= ''water_type'' =||= Description  =||= [#albedo_type ''albedo_type''] =||